Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] who [vb past] to be " in BNC.

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1 Sally-Anne did not know of this conversation , of course , and by the next day she was her usual bouncing , energetic self , and it being Monday not only was it wash-day — oh , dear — but summer cleaning also began again , with everything being put back , and the whole place was shining and sweet-smelling , so that , Wednesday having come round , McAllister had sunk down into Dr Neil 's big armchair with a great , ‘ Phew , I 'm glad that 's all over ! ’ amusing Matey , whose soft spot for the girl who seemed to be making Dr Neil more reconciled to his lot grew greater every day .
2 Before being taken to the platform , he was introduced to those members of the Committee who happened to be milling around the entrance .
3 So upon this , my third post-chapel ‘ chat ’ of my first Lent term , ‘ The boy who refused to be confirmed at a Woodard School ’ was launched , and the annual , ‘ All those who have n't been confirmed , stay behind after matins ’ was to go on for four more weary years .
4 Whether on purpose or by mistake , Kimberly was exchanged for the baby who came to be known as Arlena Twigg .
5 By then the Ardakkean who appeared to be their leader was approaching me , throwing the cape back .
6 After winning an amateur talent contest in Chicago at the age of 15 , the woman who came to be known as the Queen Of The Blues spent the next few years singing in low-life nightclubs , occasionally supplementing her meagre income by cleaning lavatories .
7 She had a few tawdry memories — and the constant presence of the woman who wanted to be his wife to deal with .
8 Manjiku was the creature who wanted to be a woman ; the beast that stole children for his own because he could not give birth to them himself .
9 ‘ It was when the friend of the family , Donald Templeton , the trusted and valued doctor who attended both Farr and his wife , came to call that the plans of the man who came to be known as the Wimbledon poisoner came badly unstuck .
10 Compeyson is the man who pretended to be in love with her . ’
11 Then he caught sight of the sergeant who seemed to be too amused by the situation altogether .
12 It can not have been easy for an ordinand or a curate to stand up to contemptuous persiflage about his religion from one of the ablest minds of the generation who happened to be his own brother .
13 Generally , they were the cast-offs of two children in the house who happened to be about her own age , and this could mean a pretty frock coming her way , but only if , Mrs Aggie said , she kept her nose clean .
14 Her sister Clare , eighteen months her junior , described her as quote , a sister who seemed to be able do everything , she had a never ending social life , I was amazed how she managed to fit everything in unquote .
15 The five guerrillas , armed with rifles and dynamite , shot dead a photographer who volunteered to be exchanged for a hostage , the middle-aged wife of the hotel manager .
16 A priest who happened to be visiting my mother volunteered to stay on one of these occasions , but the screams drove him out .
17 This might , for example , reveal that a child who appeared to be inattentive or a slow learner was in fact showing symptoms of specific learning difficulties ( e.g. dyslexia ) or a hearing impairment — possibly an intermittent one such as is associated with otitis media .
18 Rohmer began to make shushing noises as if Gilbert was a child who needed to be restrained for sleep .
19 Would a Melanesian who happened to be one 's cousin five times removed be a relation or a foreigner ?
20 ‘ Well , he does n't sound like anyone I know , ’ I said , ‘ unless he 's a caddie who happened to be passing nearby and wanted to quiz me about any work available . ’
21 The years 1908–9 were dramatic : on the lookout for spies , Jane abducted a German who seemed to be acting suspiciously in Portsmouth , and ‘ deposited him in the Duke of Bedford 's animal park ’ at Woburn .
22 A FIREFIGHTER who had to be airlifted to hospital after crashing through a footbridge into an isolated stream yesterday spoke of his ordeal .
23 ‘ I 'm calling a friend who happened to be in London with me , ’ he drawled coolly .
24 He had coolly — some even said coldly — " stood firm during the terrible onslaught of the myxomatosis , ruthlessly driving out every rabbit who seemed to be sickening .
25 Although the treatment is free , the patient may well be asked to pay for the tests used in diagnosis , and for a woman who wished to be screened for , say , gonorrhoea , trichomoniasis , and candidiasis , the bill might come to 250 francs , without the blood tests for syphilis , and if she was unfortunate enough to have an ulcer that might be syphilitic or herpetic , a further 150 francs could be added to the bill .
26 She did n't mean — I think — that Richard and I were not kind to her , only that she did not ‘ come first ’ with either of us , and she was a woman who needed to be made much of and fussed over .
27 On one occasion during field-work a father who needed to be present while his young son was being questioned at the station instructed his child to ‘ Tell these f'ing black bastards nothin' ’ , and when told that that was a lovely way to bring up his son replied , ‘ Aye , and I 'll keep bringing him up that way ’ ( FN 11/7/87 , p. 9 ) .
28 There are a lot of people who know of a colleague who appeared to be the last person to go under — ‘ Jim always seemed such a jolly , easygoing chap ’ — until his absence one day was followed by news of his nervous breakdown , or heart attack , or suicide .
29 Not , she told herself , that she was used to it , but having just married a man who had to be a millionaire several times over …
30 His authoritative tone seemed to indicate the latter , giving the impression that here was a man who expected to be obeyed .
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