Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] as [pron] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Special chipboard screws have a raised thread which bites in the board as they are driven in — often the thread is a double one .
2 Kylie swept the board as she was voted best female singer and ‘ most fanciable female ’ .
3 An act of love occurs , for which the john , or the trick as he 's called , for some reason , will be swiftly remunerated .
4 In essence , they are settled by the application of legal principles and rules to the particular facts of the case as it is presented to the judge ( and , in some cases , a jury ) .
5 Barthes develops an idea of discourse that is evocative of the text as something being read , or being written to be read .
6 In de Man 's case , this structure confuses the issues of " the text as it is " and " the text as it is construed " .
7 At the time of looking up we ascribe an experience of greenness to ourselves ; we consider the experience as something being undergone by us before any decision is taken about its veridicality .
8 Ratings now steadied the canoe as it was put over the side , lying on the hydroplanes .
9 So my suggestion and this is only a suggestion , the beards which in the past have been interpreted as a kind of erm epigrammatic signal , in other words a kind of erm sign on the face of the male as they 're deceived , my guess is that , th that beards may actually have evolved to protect the throat because erm the critical thing in , in killing somebody is to block the , the windpipe and that 's and in fact even , even lions do this , you saw in the film when a lion kills an antelope or something , he does n't go to all the trouble of making horrible gashes , he grabs the , the windpipe and holds on until the antelope or whatever it is is just er
10 LIFESPAN responds by allocating an SSR identifier which should be noted by the user as it is required for reference in other operations relating to the SSR .
11 It is possible , too , that in striking the rock as he was told to do in Exodus 17 Moses this time has further infringed the divine command , though nothing was said explicitly about him not using his rod in that way .
12 For this reason it is often unnecessary to disinfect saucepans , roasting trays and the like as they are disinfected as an automatic part of the cooking process .
13 Occasionally the proprietors of some of the quality houses would comment on the successful inclusion of travel films in the programme as it was thought that this would impress the casual respectable trade but far more common was the exhibitor who reported a hostile response to short films dealing with ‘ industrial ’ subjects .
14 All in a flurry of dust it came towards her and then she heard Ferdinando shout her name and the neighing of the horse as it was pulled in and she trembled as she opened her eyes and looked up .
15 On-line handwriting recognition requires some kind of digitising data tablet to capture the script as it is written .
16 Yes , in that sense , in that sense , the unconscious thought was expressed but the , but the point was , i the anxiety as it were got the better of the dream , did n't it , if you woke up ?
17 But , certainly , it is my aim to show the work as it is constructed , the ebb and flow of the tension , the musical line , the many voices , and so on .
18 By the time 1972 was out I had found a Vets club in join , the VAC as it was called , and I began to pick up something about the scene — where to find the minor races , who to go to for training advice , the way to use blocks and how to seek out physios for repair purposes — and I took up steady training .
19 But an obligation to obey the law as it is understood in political writings today is a mere prima facie obligation .
20 He considers that the nineteenth century cases of Camplin , Flattery and Williams accomplished no more than to include within rape sexual intercourse with an unconscious woman or one deceived by a specific type of fraud and that the 1976 Act merely declares the law as it was established at that time .
21 Cam is denied the colour and glamour of Barbados as he is kept at work on a tally of the cargo as it is landed : later , a talk with the captain helps him to see this and other causes for resentment in a different light .
22 As Francis Bacon , the patron saint of the scientific method , wrote four centuries ago , ‘ The Universe is not to be narrowed down to the limits of our understanding — rather the understanding must be stretched and enlarged to take in the image of the Universe as it is discovered . ’
23 Bob Ewell who is the father of the so called victim , Mayella , is prepared to use his influence as a white to get Tom convicted even though we know that it is Bob Ewell who should be taking the punishment as it is made clear in the trial that he is the person who abuses Mayella not Tom .
24 If he has decided not to read out the query as it was written , he must ensure that it becomes part of the record .
25 When the dust-laden wind meets an obstacle , the dust particles rarely strike the obstacle as they are diverted round it in the general air flow and so exert little or no erosive effect .
26 Carbohydrates provide a good energy supply for the body as they 're converted into glucose , but make sure you 're eating it in the right forms .
27 To do this we consider the change in length of a small element dS of a line in the body as it is distorted to a new shape .
28 THE MID-POINT between No Name and Unforgiven finds Eastwood as a Confederate raider redeemed after the war as he is assimilated into a rag-tag community of rejects and losers , slowly losing his appetite for violence and vengeance .
29 On this occasion we thought it so important that we invited the bishop to lay hands on the team as they were sent out and began to meet on Sunday mornings , initially in a large sitting room as we searched for suitable premises .
30 As the disturbance goes more deeply into the organism from the physical to the emotional plane , from the emotional to the mental and finally to the spiritual , it is at the same time becoming higher up in the organism as it is pictured diagrammatically in Figure 3 .
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