Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] they give [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In the main , the church and its leaders drew their importance from the support they gave to the existing powers and from their multiple involvements in education , social welfare and administration . ’
2 The principal interest of these court appearances is in the confirmation they give to the portrait of the National Socialist League in the last months of peace .
3 While DCSLs do not appear actually to veto specific requests , the advice they give on the relative quality of alternative publications — through direct comment to the teacher responsible for submitting the school 's list — can be persuasive .
4 If that is the sense they give to the word ‘ Panslavism ’ , oh ! then I am a Panslav .
5 If you believe the Thames Valley CID — not the account they gave at the inquest , when the events were still fresh in everyone 's minds , but the one they came up with in the months following my return to this country — then having lured Dennis on to the river and dosed him with draughts of spiked bubbly , Karen and I went ‘ One , two , three ’ and heaved him overboard .
6 The significance of both approaches is the challenge they gave to the ‘ naturalness ’ of what appear as basic divisions .
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