Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] is such that the " in BNC.

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1 Yet the design of the experiment is such that the use of alternative linguistic models is still possible .
2 ‘ But more than this , his domination with every aspect of the club is such that the transition period after his departure could be as painful and prolonged as the one Leeds endured after Don Revie left in 1974 . ’
3 The full potential of the range is such that the new machine could be upgraded to up to 250 per cent of its initial capacity .
4 Among these are several medium close-shots of the crowd of onlookers , and the angle is such that the boat itself is not visible on shot .
5 ‘ … it is a subordinate culture and occurs in prior conditions of oppression and dominance , and the whole nature of the system is such that the worker 's hands are directed by others than himself , and the product of his hands are taken away : this is the elemental meaning of alienation in work ’
6 where the initial word processing is to be undertaken within the firm , ensure that the technology is such that the transfer of files to the printer 's system will maintain the integrity of the document and be cost effective ; and
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