Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] and [verb] [Wh det] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is to keep sight of the positives for so often professionals working with very vulnerable elderly people focus on the pathology and forget what the client may have going for her/him .
2 Of course , back then , the proles could n't get enough of me , waving their grotty flags at the wedding and saying what a breath of fresh air I was and calling their filthy little daughters Sarah .
3 The Recommendations look to the future and describe what the author of the report thinks should be done about the problem that has been the subject of so much investigation .
4 You must penetrate the disguise and discover what the question is really about .
5 " To be fair , however , it must be said that the natives on the hill also applauded the firmness and resolve which the gentlemen displayed in our defence .
6 What is known is that nearly 8000 young people leave care each year at 18 and many others at 16 and 17 , and are not provided with any semblance of the help and support which a good parent would give not only to these age groups but often to many young people of 19 , 20 or even older .
7 Christmas is a celebration of the joy and hope which the birth of Jesus Christ has brought to millions throughout the ages .
8 Isabel stared up at the royal castle high on its hill overlooking the town and wondered what the grim stone fortress would mean to her .
9 When I was a schoolgirl some friends took me on to a farm and I used to watch the milking and think what a grand life it was , so healthy , not at all like life in the pits and the factories .
10 ‘ The truth in question is hidden , lying concealed beneath appearances ; we must then inquire , since its nature is not open to us , whether it is still possible to know it through some sign and whether we have a criterion by which we may recognize the sign and judge what the thing truly is . ’
11 We were all caught up in the shock and wondered what the significance was .
12 ‘ The learned judge left the case to the jury , remarking upon the tender years of the girl , her situation under the care and authority of the prisoner and his wife , and the authority and influence which the prisoner had over her in the absence of his wife .
13 Over the years we have many times benefited form the advice and support which the CCPR gives so generously .
14 Margaret Ramsay explores the problems stress can bring to the workplace and suggests what a company needs to be checking out .
15 After night has fallen , I will climb down the slopes to walk about unseen round the hotel and retrieve what the People have discarded .
16 She snapped Satie into the cassette and re-read what the night had brought her .
17 The user of the system provides expertise because he will have to understand and respond to the system , he will have to interpret the questions asked by the system and to know what the scope and limitations of the system are .
18 Successful companies inform employees at all levels about what skills and technologies are off-limits to the partner and monitor what the partner requests and receives .
19 my personal view was that we , we should have some form of , two things , one is communicating the realities of the situation , it 's a fairly new market , there was a lot of competitors in the market , coming into the market , there was a lot of confusion in the market there was a lot of confusion in the market as to exactly what it was that customer could buy , there was also a lot of confusion of as to , cos there are different types of customer , and over sixty five , there are about seven different categories , there was a need for someone and I believe it should therefore have been the market leader at that time to if you want to establish principals , establish what they , this was in the market and establish what the elderly would be , would , should look for when purchasing a retirement apartment .
20 When asked to clarify his intended future playing policy , he said : ‘ Have a look and see what the team does in Spain , see how it plays and then we 'll talk about it . ’
21 Right , so now we 've got round to what we can do for the casualty , let's have a look and see what the body 's trying to do here and then we 'll say how you 'll help them a bit more .
22 ‘ He 's all right , but his eldest boy 's been in trouble once or twice … pay them a visit and see what the boy 's doing now , if he 's got any work .
23 So you 've got the right idea of dividing it by eight , but you needed to take it on a stage and see what the was .
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