Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of [art] [noun pl] over " in BNC.

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1 First , the existence of the plateaux over appreciable ranges of Vg ( Figure 2 ) does not match preconceived ideas for quantised motion .
2 We had ample occupation watching the play of the clouds over the sides of the hills , and the bits of rugged moor and moss and flowing stream that enlivened the way ; but at a turning within some three miles of the inn of Kinlochewe , as we were about to pass the east-going mail gig with its complement of travellers , our driver jerked the horses into a ditch , which upset our machine and broke one of the springs .
3 In 1986 , he destroyed at a single stroke the stranglehold of the unions over the British newspaper industry by removing his operation overnight to non-union Wapping .
4 This was the essence of the arguments over management structure in Sheffield and elsewhere in the late 1960s ( Hampton 1972 ) .
5 The confluence of the difficulties over a further Cassell renewal of funding ; the prospect of the focus of her work shifting to Huntingdonshire , and the arrival of Lee in 1931 was perceived by Miss Green as an indication of preparations for her displacement in Northamptonshire and eventual redundancy ; for which there appears to be no documentary basis .
6 Thousands of students left their dormitories , enraged by the attitude of the authorities over election procedures and their refusal to permit change .
7 First , the adoption of lightweight construction for new partition walls and the structure of the upper floor , although kind to the integrity of the original building fabric , has led to excessive sound transmission between rooms , a condition which is exacerbated by the inversion of the normal domestic arrangement — ie , the siting of the living-rooms over the bedrooms .
8 ‘ And we dropped the rest of the weapons over the side into the sea before leaving the ship .
9 Pupils of the town 's Philip Morant School will plant the rest of the trees over the next few months on the proposed Gosbecks Archaeological Park near the school .
10 This fact is reflected in Greek myth , which commemorates the victory of the Olympians over the Titans .
11 It was inspired by the victory of the Poles over the Turks in Bessarabia in 1621 and sings of the heroism of the Slavs in their long fight against the infidels .
12 It is the peculiar human ability to re-organize and re-describe and re-evaluate from novel points of view that makes for the superiority of the consultants over any set of bibliographical instruments , as well as the human ability to recognize a question as misconceived or stupid .
13 In experimental work on the viscosity of the alkanes over a wide range of temperature Doolittle found however that the simple relation where A and B are constants gave a very much better fit to the experimental data , than the Andrade equation From the discussion we have given it is clear that fv is only a linear function of T if the expansion of the liquid is given by the linear equation and this is only true over small temperature ranges .
14 Mrs McHugh said her work for reconciliation would continue : ‘ It 's good to see ordinary people come out today , especially in the wake of the bombings over the last few days .
15 It should be remembered that it is the consistency of the results over a number of items and not isolated examples which suggest that the context favours girls .
16 With the dispersal of the children over the country it was vital for the RCM to decentralise its activities .
17 The deputation told the story of the harassment of the Blacks over the months and emphasised the various indications that the government 's undercover organisations were responsible .
18 The population of France was perhaps as high as 20 million , compared with England 's 4.5 million , and the extent of the lands over which the French king claimed suzerainty , together with the richness of their agricultural resources , made France potentially the wealthiest kingdom in western Europe .
19 The steward was not left to mourn that his bottles found no custom : there was treating and return treating , and one humble Highlander who could sing Gaelic songs was made the sink into which was poured the spirits bought by sundry odd pence ; and , to the satisfaction of those who deem it a noble accomplishment the filling a man drunk , this Celt was brought into that pitiable condition , and manifested the power of the spirits over his brain in rather a curious way , — he was for kissing all round .
20 Croll failed in arithmetic but as it was acknowledged by Lord Kelvin that he had calculated the precession of the equinoxes over the last 10 million years , his mathematical ability was accepted .
21 The local historian who is trying to build up a picture of the social and economic structure of his own parish must always take into consideration the extent of the common and the value of the rights over it .
22 If the unholy alliance in favour of the National Curriculum is likely to come apart at the seams over the issue of resource , so also , given the very different aspirations of those who support its introduction , there is likely to be a parting of the ways over principles .
23 Just a wringing of the hands over the ferment which is developing in Europe . ’
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