Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of [noun] both in " in BNC.

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1 The experience of California both in pollution control policies and as a testing or proving ground strongly influenced the direction of federal policies during the 1960s .
2 Sacrosanctum Concilium speaks of the presence of Christ both in the sacraments and in the liturgical reading of the Word ( SC 7 ) ; Dei Verbum likewise speaks of ‘ the one table of the Word of God and the Body of Christ ’ ( DV 21 ) .
3 The notion of Languages for All was proposed in Circular 1178 and supported in Working Paper No. 9 , and both publications are undoubtedly beginning to influence the work of schools both in special and mainstream sectors .
4 The idea of older workers being surplus to labour requirements has been crucial to the development of pensions both in Britain ( the 1925 pensions legislation ) and the United States ( the Social Security Act of 1935 ) .
5 Within the Occident , such a process has been highly influential in the development of genres both in an older literary tradition and also in more recent media such as film .
6 Along the whole Mediterranean coast there was a considerable increase in the volume of trade both in agricultural products sought by northern Europe and in exports to the colonies .
7 It is not surprising therefore that the growth of the electronic information industry has felt the impact of cutbacks both in corporate and domestic spending .
8 The air base had been the subject of controversy both in Italy [ see p. 36434 ] and in the USA , where Congress had only agreed to vote funds after the beginning of the Gulf crisis .
9 The basis for the allocation of services both in the various reports and in the subsequent legislation was the size of population accepted as necessary for effective administration .
10 In particular , the situation of children both in Rousseau 's world and in Shulamith Firestone 's is a more or less impossible one .
11 We are moving towards a position in which we shall be able to examine the structure of discourse both in terms of surface relations of form , and underlying relations of functions and acts .
12 For safety 's sake it is always best to also enclose the fields in quotation marks as this gets round the problem of commas both in text fields and as thousands separators in numbers .
13 In generic terms , both Banfield and Galtung reiterate the familiar theme that the fundamental problem is the lack of entrepreneurs both in economics and in politics able to show the peripheral masses how to make the system work for them .
14 The 1988 Act emphasized this shift by increasing the autonomy of schools both in making and implementing their own management plans and in organizing the balancing of finances behind those plans .
15 At the newer universities and polytechnics the process of institutional growth had led to a variety of adjustments both in the modes of teaching ( most notably through the introduction of the seminar ) and curriculum ( with a more modern and selective emphasis , and the use of the period study ) .
16 For a composition to work it must be agreed to by a majority of creditors both in numbers and in value .
17 But other internal pressures were most strong , on the one hand towards providing a type of education both in quantity and quality which ‘ we had been denied ’ , on the other towards meeting a need for high level manpower which the authority of the international planners then recognised as paramount .
18 ‘ What is true is that the Government is considering a range of options both in the health service and other fundamental expenditure . ’
19 This centre , therefore , provides a range of courses both in service and pre-service .
20 It is a metaphor of order both in the sense of ordering experience and of an ordered social structure .
21 In a flurry of seminars both in the US and in Europe members of the team have presented the first results from the experiment .
22 This inevitably led to a sense of frustration both in pupils and their teachers ; for it seemed that however well taught they were , however much they learned , it was inevitable that a high proportion of candidates would get low or unclassified grades .
23 The Government has made welcome propositions er on a number of matters both in relation to the er police er part of the Bill and the Magistrates Court 's part of the Bill .
24 Since then he has held a number of positions both in this country and abroad while serving with the RAF .
25 He was a lot in the news this autumn as he made a lot of goals both in the league as well as in the UEFA-cup .
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