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1 After 3 minutes pre-incubation at the appropriate temperature , the reaction was started by the addition of ATP at a final concentration of 2mM .
2 The government 's 1991 budget proposal [ see p. 37178 ] envisaged an allocation of $295,000 million for defence , a 2.6 per cent decrease on the 1990 actual level in real terms , and envisaged the closure of 35 domestic and 13 overseas military bases as well as the reduction of forces at a further 200 bases .
3 But her cause was badly damaged in 1985 , the day before she was to sit next to the Prince of Wales at a dinner in Florida , when it was revealed that she posed as a nude model in magazines and appeared in pornographic films in the late 1960s .
4 The award was in respect of an exhibition entitled ‘ Wealth of a Nation ’ mounted by the royal Scottish Museum , the award being presented by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales at a special ceremony in Edinburgh .
5 We operated from fixed points with the vessels motoring or drifting as near to the centre of the basin as possible between Foyers and Urquhart Bay , normally scanning the beam over a sector of 120 o in the direction of travel at a tilt of 30 o to 40 o , to give an effective search to a depth of 160 m .
6 He also had the advantage of employment at a much livelier court — that of Mantua where Tasso became his friend , with that of Ferrara and the celebrated three lady singers who ornamented it from c. 1580 onward near at hand .
7 THE chairman of governors at a school plagued by bus pests has pledged a continued crackdown on the problem .
8 He staged a counter-attack which brought him back into power in 1769 , but at the price of a financial disaster from which he never recovered ; money was borrowed to buy shares with which to create votes for the election of directors at a time when the value of the Company 's stock collapsed .
9 He studied at the University of Oxford at a time when Colet had thrown off the old method of scholastic teaching , which consisted of repeating the comments of previous interpreters of the Bible , and instead , in his lectures on St Paul 's Epistles , was explaining their historic background and expounding their spiritual truths .
10 The FRA , an agreement as to the level of LIBOR at a certain date in the future , often plays a crucial role in such structured deals .
11 Whilst we hope you will find these facility ratings a helpful guide when making your holiday choice , it is important you appreciate both that circumstances can change after our brochure goes to press and that such facilities can not be guaranteed throughout the season , particularly where they are dependent on weather or the level of demand at a particular time .
12 Unix System V Release 4.2 — now the official name for Destiny — the desktop version of Unix from Unix System Laboratories Inc — finally saw the light of day at a full-dress industry event in San Francisco last week .
13 The Moslem President of Bosnia-Hercevgovina , Alija Izetbegovic , protested at the holding of the meeting which he saw as unrepresentative and as a move to split Moslems in the republic , and on Aug. 16 he announced that a referendum would be held on the future of Bosnia-Hercegovina at a date to be determined by Bosnia 's parliament .
14 A farmer from Hereford has come to the aid of children at a Romanian Orphange .
15 I doubt if it is possible to hold the view of Margalef ( 1968 ) that ‘ Relevant evidence does not consist of a massive accumulation of trivia ’ and reconcile it with his ‘ Ecology … is the study of systems at a level at which individuals or whole organisms may be considered elements of interaction … ’ .
16 Surprisingly , perhaps , I find that walking with no means to draw or paint at all often has the effect of revelation at a particular place and time along the walk .
17 Moreover , the likelihood of death at a tender age leaves no time for a gentle , patient , permissive approach to child upbringing ; the lesson must be learnt by the child early and certainly : ‘ Break his will now , and his soul will live ’ .
18 Rachel took the tablet of Ecstasy at a 21st birthday party in Liverpool .
19 When one person has in their mind the whole range of the project from initial conception through data analysis and system design to sitting at the computer and typing the program lines into the computer , it 's not only more efficient : the person is creating in freedom like an artist and is involved in the act of creation at a deeper level and as a result enjoys the whole thing .
20 Storm-tossed … the scene of devastation at a housing development in Helston , Cornwall , after hours of torrential rain
21 Mosley , as if capitulating to the iron logic of Fascism , confronted the question of race at a final Albert Hall rally on 28 October 1934 .
22 As he wrestled with the nature of matter and the question of action at a distance , he seemed to be going into metaphysical speculation ; he was not a clubbable man , and his scientific work in its higher reaches was a lonely business , interrupted by a major breakdown in health .
23 This is where AEA 's dual energy x-ray absorptiometry — DXA — comes in , as it offers orthopaedic surgeons a safe and accurate method to investigate the outcome of surgery at a much earlier stage .
24 SNAP-HAPPY Echo readers are the focus of attention at a stunning exhibition of Tall Ships photographs .
25 An interim report is being prepared and this will form the basis of discussion at a second national seminar to be Friday 22 April 1988 at 1400 hours in the Crest Hotel , Queensferry Road , Edinburgh .
26 The picture of God at a man 's mercy is surely one derived from the story 's primitive origins , and no longer to be taken seriously .
27 The amount of coverage given to the sexual transgressions of members of the teaching profession suggests that there was the hidden agenda at work of denigrating the professionalism of teachers at a time when they were in industrial conflict with their employers .
28 A similar problem exists with the interpretation of Neolithic axes ; while there can not be any doubt that glacial drift has resulted in the deposition of rocks at a considerable distance from the parent rock , it is difficult to determine the actual source of the stone in either period .
29 During the First World War the little colony of gifted foreigners in Montparnasse and French artists unfit for military service was increasingly shunned by the rest of society at a time when xenophobia was rife and contempt for any man out of uniform was universal .
30 Former Defence Minister Jean-Pierre Chevènement was re-elected deputy for the constituency of Belfort at a by-election on June 2 and June 9 , with 52.06 per cent of the vote .
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