Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of [noun] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Section 674 deems that income for tax purposes to be the income of Mr A. The income of £50,000 is amalgamated with the £100,000 and Mr A is assessed accordingly .
2 Research shows that , while across the majority of industry sectors the average telecommunications content of any given systems integration project is approximately 57% , the proportion in financial sector deals is more likely to be about 71% .
3 Also that the higher the pointage of entry qualifications the more likely the student was to be successful .
4 Under the direction of Sgt Hayter the Lancaster was loaded onto six Queen Maries , three of which were wide loads , and started the journey to Hendon .
5 He was escorting three German prisoners in the direction of Brigade H.Q The Germans were doubling along , their hands held high in the air , a look of apprehension on their faces .
6 Victory tends to wipe the tapes of history and in the euphoria of Friday dawn the campaign was hailed as brilliant .
7 The initial emphasis of the project was therefore linguistic and , clinically examined , it might have appeared that to carry on with current curricula , making the change of language policy the only variable , would have made for more easily comparable results .
8 Anne Harper , until recently a senior executive with BP , heightened the feeling that there is a real and all-too-close-to-home problem when she compared her experience of working with the group 's local company boards in Scandinavia , where partly due to the existence of worker representatives the woman board member is not an unusual phenomenon , and in the machismo-oriented ‘ southern Mediterranean countries of Portugal , Spain and the Republic of Ireland ’ where it is — and promptly included her experiences in Scotland with the latter .
9 In spite of the wide range of supporting evidence for the existence of plate tectonics the question of what causes plates to move has yet to be fully resolved .
10 In the case of holiday firms the main element here would seem to be the financial advantages of being part of a larger conglomerate grouping .
11 In the case of treasury bills the reason for this is obvious but commercial bills can acquire a similar status .
12 In the case of preference shares the company pays a fixed annual sum to the shareholder , and there is also the possibility of capital appreciation when the share is sold .
13 In the case of orphan children the position is relatively clear : a child without parents needs someone to care for it .
14 However , in the case of Lord Inchrya the payments to the beneficiary were of a periodical nature and although made out of capital ( see however Stevenson v Wishart 59 TC 740 ) were payments of income and must be taxed as such .
15 Thus in the case of job H the early start time is not 10 , which is the early finish time of preceding job G , but 15 which is the early finish of F and is on the critical path .
16 Thus in the case of job H the early start time is not 10 , which is the early finish time of preceding job G , but 15 which is the early finish of F and is on the critical path .
17 In the case of T. axei the changes induced in the gastric mucosa are similar to those of Ostertagia with an alteration in pH and an increased permeability of the mucosa .
18 In 1318–19 the rise of Hugh Despenser the younger gradually displaced Damory from his standing at the centre of the court .
19 In the field of manpower policy the Manpower Services Commission , containing representatives from both sides of industry , has been delegated extensive responsibilities by the Department of Employment .
20 But in the field of statute law the judge must be obedient to the will of Parliament as expressed in its enactments .
21 In the field of process engineering the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service has signed up a new customer , SNERDI , from the People 's Republic of China .
22 During its early history the bill of lading was an appendage of the charter party and of the contract of ocean carriage The function of the bill of lading was to acknowledge receipt of the cargo delivered by the shipper to the shipowner , charterer , or master of the vessel and to summarize the principal terms of the contract of ocean freight .
23 However , the election of Oscar Salasas the COB 's new executive secretary , an ex-Communist Party militant and the current leader of the small Democratic Socialist Alternative party ( ASD ) , indicated that the moderates held the initiative rather than the more militant sections .
24 At the foot of Ballard Cliff the beach is covered by fallen rocks of chalk , changing to pebbles and shingle further south .
25 The statue of S. James the Apostle decorates the trumeau and on each side are statues of apostles , prophets and elders .
26 As the van drew nearer , the cluster of flags and pennons at the very front , under an enormous standard of the Leopards of Plantagenet , indicated the presence of King Edward the Third himself , although it was too far yet to identify individuals .
27 I felt very honoured to be invited by the Corporation of London to attend , in the presence of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother , the luncheon to celebrate Her Majesty 's ninetieth birthday .
28 As we shook hands I felt some embarrassment ; he had been sacked from his post in the English Literature and Language Department of the University of East Anglia the previous year .
29 A mile to the west of Loch Gorm the road to Gruinart cuts through a settlement at An Sithern of about a dozen round houses which were constructed in the late Bronze Age and which a cursory examination has shown that they were used at least three times .
30 I stood on the final tee with Ken Schofield and imagined the kind of pressure build-up the players were feeling .
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