Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of [noun] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 The first , and most general , is the willingness of companies to pay over the odds when they acquire other companies .
2 The main owner of such schools is usually and indirectly the Church of Ireland , and current expenditure and salaries are provided by the state , with the board of governors presided over by the local minister .
3 At a time when what would seem to have been a ‘ Carolingian connection ’ can be identified in insular art , architecture and archaeology , a Carolingian emphasis on the importance of increasing the number of metropolitans and re-establishing metropolitan authority is likely to have created a context by the mid-780s for consideration of the situation in the Anglo-Saxon Church where the archbishop of Canterbury presided over as many as twelve suffragans .
4 He was the focal point of a vibrant Liverpool first half performance which went some way towards lifting the cloak of despondency draped over Anfield by Spartak 's superiority on Wednesday .
5 Treatment has concentrated on the removal of dirt accumulated over the centuries and conservation of areas of the bronze affected by acid rain and pigeon droppings .
6 She could see the face of Tim thrust out of the window and guessed that the look of triumph playing over it was in expectation of the early capture of herself !
7 Procedures established to control the level of spending evolve over time to become bidding procedures for the increment .
8 This has the advantage that , as the level of prices alters over time , the variance of the logarithm of the price relatives is more likely to be stationary than is the variance of the alternatives .
9 The wavefront of mist rolled over the Marines in a billowing carpet , though once the first rolling wave was past , the mist was much thinner , merely causing a watery distortion in everyone 's vision .
10 Some of the marble floors in the great halls cracked under the weight of machinery moved over them after they had been prematurely laid down .
11 On the assumption that nothing happens to change the relative attractiveness of different methods of borrowing , then we would expect the stock of bills to increase over time .
12 These were : the skill and experience of the employee ; the nature of the work on which he was employed ; the place where the employee was employed ; the degree of control exercised over him by the tortfeasor ; the relationship between the tortfeasor ( associated company ) and the employee ; and the relationship between the employer and the tortfeasor .
13 The spectre of drought looms over Bangladesh 's northern districts , with farmers and agriculture officials giving warning that thousands of acres of rice paddy in about eight north and western districts — the granary of the country — will be ruined .
14 And when Crowe declared at lunch , England reappeared with the spectre of defeat hanging over them .
15 Not only are they having to come to terms with the latest three per cent rise in fares and the implications of rail privatisation , but now the spectre of VAT hangs over them as well .
16 The work was in progress from 1827 until 1840 and represents Donizetti 's career in microcosm ; even the type of paper improves over the years with the progress of his career .
17 The question of motive hangs over these first pages , and over the whole novel .
18 The ending of wartime controls over the economy when peace came was not a popular cry , whatever the Conservative Party and business interests may have thought .
19 Outside there was the sound of wheels crunching over the snow and the creaking of a cart .
20 If an owl swoops down on the kangaroo rat , the kangaroo rat is alerted by the sound of wind passing over the bird 's wings and can evade the grasping talons .
21 The slightly artificial air of the settings is entirely apt to the theme of façades maintained over emotional chasms or rushing torrents of erotic feeling .
22 This can be contrasted with the antiquity of rocks exposed over large areas of the continents which in some cases are more than 3000 Ma old .
23 Soon after , he checked out in Vegas , the suspicion of murder hovering over the coroner 's report .
24 I do n't think either , given the succession of scandals and the aura of sleaze hanging over the Secretary of State 's quango sector that anyone would deny that in terms of value for money and financial probity , direct democratic control is a far better watchdog than the financial control systems of the Welsh office .
25 As Grand Master , the Duke of Kent presides over the largest secret society in England and Wales with an estimated 600,000 , all male , members .
26 From the Maryhill Paper Works to Possil Loch the bridge of colour stretched over the city of Glasgow .
27 One barrier to the regulation of rural land use change is the absence of planning controls over farming and forestry .
28 The political report to the congress , delivered on March 27 by Kaysone Phomvihane in his capacity as LPRP general secretary , said that the policy of restructuring applied over the past five years had " injected new life and a sense of flexibility " into the private and state-operated economic sectors .
29 They have looked at the commission of offences reported over time by a sample of youths in longitudinal surveys .
30 The constraints are particularly important in the case of council housing , as changes in government financial yardsticks have led to considerable variations in the quality of housing built over time ( Byrne 1976 ) .
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