Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , a special recording offers the opportunity of achieving precisely the right effect , but is considerably more expensive , even in these days of synthesizers , than library material .
2 The visitor was often allowed to pull the press and , at least in some places , in return for watching the setting of the type and the privilege of carrying away the souvenir , was expected to buy beer for the workmen .
3 At the heart of the difficulty of delineating clearly the essential features of the Constitution is its ever-changing nature .
4 The second is that the statutory services do not have the monopoly of altruism or the monopoly of occupying the high moral ground , and I think that those of you who saw the presentation given yesterday afternoon by Mike O'Reilly on the work that 's being done at Knowesouth , the private home he and his wife run , would have to concede that that was an excellent example of the kind of not only interesting , but the kind of pushing forward the boundaries of what can be done in different kinds of settings for people with dementia .
5 The non-sentences consisted of a sequence of words in which the initial words formed a coherent unit ( e.g. The chorus of winning loud the lions . )
6 In quantum mechanics the uncertainty principle says that only one of these measurements can be predicted ; the observer can predict the result of measuring either the position or the velocity but not both .
7 Stolen pens and chains could be replaced thus ending the practice of throwing away the holder .
8 In announcing the decision of the court at the conclusion of the argument I stressed , and I repeat , that the effect of setting aside the order leaves the health authority and its medical staff free , subject to consent not being withdrawn , to treat J. in accordance with their best clinical judgment .
9 The effect of using both the LPF and GFF was also investigated using the equations :
10 Now between during the period from the decision of Mr Justice in March nineteen ninety one and the issue of the sealed order in May nineteen ninety three , it 's clear from correspondence which has been put before me that there were er various negotiations and discussions between the solicitors for the plaintiff and the defendant dealing with the questions of costs and also with the question of a general settlement of the whole action , er it would be appreciated of course that Mr Justice order does not have the effect of determining finally the rights of the parties , erm other than the partnership has in fact dissolved because there were still outstanding issues in particular relating to the premises which were used as the surgery of the premises of the part of the prac of the practice or perhaps I should say former practice .
11 The fact that English judges are recruited almost exclusively from the ranks of successful practising barristers has also had the effect of narrowing considerably the background from which judges are drawn , even in comparison with the far from represen-tative magistracy .
12 In the result , therefore , the adjudication of Mr. Dennis as bankrupt after the death of his wife did not have the effect of severing retrospectively the joint tenancy before her death .
13 If the equipment is provided but the employee does not use it , this may have the effect of placing both the plaintiff and the defendant in breach of statutory duty .
14 They are also prohibited from entering into transactions that would have the effect of altering significantly the assets or liabilities of the company or entering into commitments without consideration .
15 To ensure the achievement of that objective he stressed the importance of informing fully the post-war generation of these basic principles and of securing the co-operation of the universities through their extra-mural departments .
16 The Stroganov International Charitable Fund has the aim of bringing together the resources required to restore the city 's well-known architectural masterpieces , above all the Stroganov Palace .
17 With the aim of keeping only the Imperial Tobacco and Imperial Foods divisions , Hanson within a short period of time sold Imperial 's hotels and restaurants interests to Trust House Forte ( £190 million ) , Golden Wonder Crisps to Dalgety ( £87 million ) and Courage to the Australian company Elders IXL ( £1.4 billion ) .
18 In the midst of doing both the Round The Horne radio series and a couple of ‘ Carry Ons ’ , Ken was cast as Napoleon in a BBC TV version of the Anouilh play French Cricket , with Robert Helpmann playing Fouche , the Chief of Police .
19 This also gives you the chance of identifying precisely the command the caused the problem .
20 A consequence of this decision could have been the creation of evidence that the project was merely an exercise in ‘ façadism ’ — the policy of retaining only the external skin of a building as a ‘ screen wall ’ to new accommodation , which often creates a disagreeable distinction between the ‘ stage set ’ of the preserved shell and the entirely rebuilt interior .
21 To the pleasures of new friendship , Coleridge , on his return to Stowey , added the prospect of meeting again the loyal and longstanding friend of his youth , Charles Lamb .
22 I and others are devoted to the idea of obtaining simultaneously the massive resources of the large together with the speed of movement , closeness to the market and greater personal satisfaction of the small .
23 An ordinary delegate said he rejected the idea of blaming only the previous leaders for past mistakes .
24 City analysts UBS-Philips and Drew suggested in a report released in August 1989 that the cost of meeting just the lead levels in the Directive would be £2,500 million .
25 ‘ ( 1 ) Any officer , servant or agent of the Bank may , on producing if required evidence of his authority , enter any premises occupied by a person on whom a notice has been served under section 39 above for the purpose of obtaining there the information or documents required by that notice and of exercising the powers conferred by subsection ( 5 ) of that section .
26 And reciprocally , if memory formation requires the synthesis of proteins for the construction of synapses , then if one could stop the proteins from being synthesized around the time of learning then the memory should not be formed ; an animal trained on a task and prevented from synthesizing proteins should behave as if it has no memory for the task — is amnesic — when it is subsequently asked to perform it .
27 I believe tobacco-smoke is the most effectual , but to one not a smoker it would require to be a case of hiring another to the office of smoking away the midges — a work many would gladly undertake , for tobacco is looked on in the Highlands as a very great good , almost as essential as the whiskey .
28 Then it was the stage of having all the gear and having the latest Tony Hawk with 18 million inch nose and Tony comes to town so everyone ( except Brad ) wants to look like him .
29 So there is the option of doing both the walking tour or the bus tour .
30 Last January , Adams & Nevile set up its Millenium International Fund and has no intention of giving away the name .
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