Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] even [subord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 David Green , Passenger Manager was absolutely thrilled with the response even though it meant adding extra coaches to some trains especially the 18.00 departure on Sunday .
2 In the true spirit of liberal compromise , the eps league combines both these measures , leaving LLoyds Abbey Life the winner even though it did not top either individual table .
3 In the sentence Even if he does come , he wo n't be able to stay long there is a clear grammatical division between the two clauses .
4 And remember — you 're responsible for the money even if you have n't had a notice .
5 Russian opposition to the concession even as it stood was defused by presenting the Persian text to the Russian delegation when the Russian 's translator was known to be out of town .
6 He ran up the ramp , the sergeant liftmaster activating the hydraulics even before he had set loot on it .
7 Until at last there was only one Callanish eagle left , a juvenile whom the others had sought to protect and so had prevented from joining in the fighting even though she had wanted to .
8 It will be important to formulate an initial strategy for the bid even if it has to be modified subsequently as a result of changing circumstances .
9 I 'm donning the sackcloth even as I write
10 Generally , VAT can not be waived on bad debts and you must pay the revenue even though you have n't been paid yourself .
11 The " ordinary reader " would infer that the " fixing " had involved the team as well as Packer , and that the captain of the team would have been party to the plot even though he had not played in the match .
12 I 'm not going to advise the trustees to release the inheritance even if you do continue , so you may as well get rid of her .
13 I once worked in the shopfloor in a factory , putting cream on to cream cakes , when I finished college , and they took me out and put me in the lab even though I did n't have any science degree , and I was in the labs for three months .
14 As with inspection , the cleaner should be so positioned as to be able to see all areas of the work even if it means squatting , kneeling or lying down .
15 We would n't have found it difficult to reconstruct the exchange even if we had been too far away to hear what was said .
16 but you 've got every right to pontificate on the on the hunting even though you do n't live there er , Mr I du n no , barbarism , is this , is this for the Labour a free vote .
17 The scandal is that a supine and cowardly press has allowed itself to be intimidated into censoring the truth even though it distorts our entire view of reality .
18 His successor displayed no great competence for the job even though he had been a member of the House for twenty-four years and had successfully met the demands of peer review to achieve major leadership posts in the legislature .
19 The no evidence doctrine was commonly taken to mean that a decision will not be regarded as outside of the jurisdiction of the decision-maker even if he reached his decision on no evidence .
20 Ceauşescu was hunting in Nigeria at the time and insisted on playing down the impact of the earthquake even before he returned .
21 Rose knew many of the people on the platform even though she had spent half her life in Scotland and she responded to each greeting with warmth , careful to watch that her friendliness did not grate on Moran .
22 Most homicides were unplanned , and few brought any benefit to the offender even if he avoided punishment .
23 She did not trust the count even though she admitted that he had a strange effect on her .
24 Trollope portrays her as an overbearing , bossy wife and woman right from the start even though he says ‘ it is not my intention to breathe a word against the character of Mrs. Proudie ’ .
25 I could n't break free of the habit even after I reached adulthood .
26 G&G spent a good part of a decade — the Seventies — getting drunk , the memory of which still prompts a wistful smile from Gilbert , and they were habitués of the Blitz even before it became the early-Eighties club .
27 However , everyone else advised him to do it and it was probably the most catalystic thing he could have done at that period , although I had the feeling even if he did get a hit , it was something he could n't follow up because I knew the style of his writing .
28 Education performs political , social , as well as economic functions and it is thus too important to be made the slave to the needs of the economy even though it has no option but to be its servant .
29 All is extended , manifested , rolled out by the universal energy from the seeds of his idea deep in his existence ; but the spirit even though it takes up and enjoys her workings in this body of ours , is not affected by its mortality because it is eternal beyond birth and death , is not linked by the personalities which it assumes because it is the supreme self of all these personalities … ’
30 He could hear the music even before he got there .
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