Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that have [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 We 're quite content that we 're going to have to er put before the local plan system the the countervailing issues and the weight that 's given to the countryside through E two is appropriate in the circumstances .
2 Italy is one of Iran 's main trading partners and had until now been largely spared the violence that has led to the deaths of dozens of opponents of the Tehran government opponents in other European cities since the 1979 revolution .
3 The Primate of the Episcopal Church in the USA thanks God for ‘ the gifts ordained women have brought to our church and the wholeness that has come to its life ’ .
4 He tried to sniff back the wetness that had sprung to his eyes , but a few hot tears managed to spill over and course down his burning cheeks .
5 There is no area , there is no tiny minute detail of the law that has failed to be met with .
6 Around it , a dwarf cluster of irregular shapes outlined the village that had clung to the church for 800 years .
7 She was remembering the revelation that had come to her just a few short moments ago , in what seemed like another age now , before Alexander had kissed her .
8 Since that can not be effectively done under the law as it stands , there must be created a new body of law of the sort that has come to be called administrative law .
9 The approach is primarily focused on helping patients resolve the crisis that has led to an overdose and on tackling their longer-term problems , largely using their own resources to do so and thereby developing greater ability to cope with stresses in future .
10 Most parents whose children are taken into care are extremely poor , either permanently or as a result of the crisis that has led to their being unable to look after their child .
11 It 's ridiculous , when you take into account all the parking that 's got to be provided on it .
12 BENEATH the hype , Mickey Mouse , the Magic Kingdom and the publicity that has led to more than 100,000 people already enquiring about Eurodisney shares in the UK alone , there remains a disconcerting truth about this international share offer .
13 Erm , we hear a lot about the holocaust that happened to the Jews in the second world war but not so many people know a lot about the holocaust that has happened to women over centuries and centuries where millions of women were burnt as witches , but er , just because they were women !
14 The boy swallowed the lump that had risen to his throat .
15 He swallowed the lump that had come to his throat and downed his whisky .
16 Li Yuan turned angrily , glaring at her , then , biting back the retort that had come to mind , he turned back , looking at Fei Yen .
17 Those two finals in 1986 and 1987 were the climax of his 24-year career at the top of the game that has grown to be a part of the national heritage .
18 In some ways , however , these disputes have been contained because certain scholars have written books on the constitution that have endured to be widely regarded as so authoritative that they define the parameters of acceptable constitutional debate and almost the very constitution itself .
19 The beef that went to Murmansk was used immediately , and the beef that has gone to St. Petersburg has been used .
20 He said the words softly , like a breath , letting them mingle with her scent , then turned away , reddening at the thought that had come to mind .
21 whether it 's a large economic growth in Europe in places like Milan , Innsbruck er Barcelona , all have these systems where an extra terminal capacity is only part of the jigsaw that 's had to be met .
22 Small as it was , the incident disturbed her , perhaps because there had been something about the man that had appealed to her .
23 The first freshers ' dinner I went to in Oxford — this is where the the people who 've just come up erm are introduced to college life and so on — erm the amount that 's allocated to each student is two sherries before dinner , three or four glasses of wine , different wines , with dinner and then something or other — port — after dinner .
24 The disorder that had seemed to him for decades to determine the course of events regrouped itself like a pile of iron filings suddenly organized by a magnet , and he had a flash of optimism when it appeared quite possible that men in the days to come might wish to find out more than concerned them at the moment .
25 The management of patients who mutilate themselves while in a disturbed state will include treatment of the disorder that has led to the disturbance and will invariably have to be initiated in the psychiatric inpatient setting .
26 Her heart sank ; she had been so intent on trying to score off him that she had n't given a thought to what her careless words could do to the understanding that had seemed to be developing between them .
27 ‘ Be careful not to wake the crowd that has to go to school in the morning . ’
28 In fact , he was so happy with the idea that had come to him from the writer , Peter Shaffer , he began the serious rethink of his career which friends like Lance Percival had been thinking for some time was overdue .
29 He was behaving in a secretive , high-handed way — the way that had led to their disastrous partnership with Beador .
30 I think it 's possible that a lot of the women here are saying no because of the stigma that 's attached to the word feminist feminism .
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