Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] be [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 But after the marriage and the party , when it was time , the brougham was already waiting for us at the front door , I could n't bear to leave .
2 It is just possible that the tide is now turning for social works with the opportunity for specialisation and new roles in the Community Care service .
3 However , the technique was still employed for monarchial corpses .
4 Many lay clerks are themselves former choristers , and the case is often made for retaining boys ' voices in order to ensure a future supply of altos , tenors and basses .
5 The rise is largely accounted for by rising incomes and profits which bring more taxpayers and companies into higher tax brackets .
6 Much of what is typed in is discarded , because the computer is really looking for key words which refer to files kept in its disc store and what should be done to them .
7 Hewlett-Packard Moscow head of representation Nick Rossiter says the contract is fully paid for and took 18 months to negotiate .
8 The cradle was especially designed for the house .
9 Meanwhile , the contrast is best made for introductory purposes by thinking about the middle of the range , where individuals take the stage in a social capacity , as , for instance , Prime Minister or Secretary of State .
10 From the early nineteenth-century this inscription inspired the local wits and the statue was frequently used for posters commenting on local politics or politicians .
11 Inspired by the Uffizi faun in Florence , the statue was originally entered for auction in a sale of outdoor furniture in West Sussex .
12 The ‘ great windy parlour ’ at the front of the building was soon to become for Coleridge a place in which he felt more at home than in his own tiny cottage , and it was there that he and Poole were later to spend long sociable hours with the Wordsworths , Charles Lamb , Hazlitt and others .
13 The AEC is primarily intended for young adults subject to a probation order with a special condition of attendance ( Schedule 11 4A(II) Criminal Justice Act 1982 ) and reflects the fact that most Somerset offenders in trouble through drink commit serious offences and/or possess a substantial number of previous convictions .
14 The beef is tender and full of flavour and , although the breed grows more slowly than the big continental animals , the deficit is adequately compensated for by much cheaper production costs in terms of food and housing ( it stays out all year round ) .
15 The driver was obviously preparing for a grand-prix start .
16 The Duchess was desperately looking for help .
17 The course is mainly intended for people without employer sponsorship .
18 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
19 The part was originally written for Antonia Bernasconi who had earlier appeared in Vienna in Gluck 's Alceste in 1767 .
20 Though other , and earlier , examples are known , the term is normally employed for a typically English technique first evolved in the seventeenth century but not fully developed till the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
21 The term is also used for one who manages the causes of others in courts of civil or canon law such as Doctors ' Commons was : described by Steerforth as ‘ a sort of monkish attorney ’ , DC 23 .
22 In animals , the term is also used for the technique of inactivating the nucleus of an egg and replacing it with the nucleus of a body cell .
23 The hatching on the skin-cloak is surely meant for shading , and it definitely appears on the complete cup fig. 114 .
24 They are pushing at an open door , we in the industry are already working for change .
25 Where the warehouse is primarily used for storage and distribution the supporting accommodation can comprise , receiving , and dispatch vehicle departments , with typical ‘ garage ’ type risks , the office accommodation to support these functions , as well as the offices for the ‘ paper-work ’ such as receipts of goods , retrieval/dispatch documentation and invoicing etc. , which may be largely manual or computerised with a nominal support staff , and the ancillary staff welfare and amenity spaces .
26 A good harness , descendeur and screwgate karabiner are essential ; make sure the karabiner is well oiled for ease of use .
27 Known as Ceylon until 1972 , and an independent state within the Commonwealth since 1948 , under the 1978 Constitution the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has a presidential form of government ; the President is directly elected for a six-year term , appoints the Prime Minister and cabinet , and is also empowered to dissolve the 168-member parliament which is elected by proportional representation .
28 A second-hand car which is not safe to be driven on the road ( for example because the brakes are in such a state that they would fail if the driver had to carry out an emergency stop ) is clearly not of merchantable quality , Lee v. York Coach and Marine ( 1977 C.A. ) — unless of course the car was only sold for scrap .
29 The roaring is extremely exhausting for the animals and the one that can keep it up for longest is also likely to be the strongest .
30 Saunders thrashed a shot just past the angle two minutes before the interval but it was one of those nearly nights for Villa and an occasion when the script was already written for super-dad Polston. 930325
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