Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] as they [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The boys not scribing joined in by offering ideas and producing elaborate pictures , inventing new details to enliven the narrative as they developed their pictures .
2 The wide , dry eyes followed them from the kitchen as they took their leave .
3 The womenfolk would no doubt be beside the wood stove , talking over the din of the roof as they did their needlework ; the men would be in the wool-shed , cleansing and grading the fleeces in time for the next lorry down to port .
4 I did n't even wait for the curtain call and the audience must have seen me charging through the lobby as they made their way out .
5 A stunned silence fell upon the room as they focused their attention on what they thought was princess Voluptua .
6 The uniformed officer did n't appreciate the joke and pushed Robinson out onto the landing where , already , a steady file of men were spilling from their cells , joining the long line on either side of the landing as they made their way to the toilets .
7 Tulsa , Oklahoma-based Williams Co 's WilTel fibre optic carrier , which runs its WilPAK Frame Relay service on a network of IPX switches , is finding that users are increasingly requiring low speed Frame Relay connections into the service as they upgrade their low-speed point-to-point and multidrop lines .
8 The women friends of artists were vital in the organisation as they raised its profile and raised funds and were important in securing the existence of the VBK .
9 Mr Hutchinson was knocked to the ground as they broke their way in .
10 The turtles are guided by the natural luminosity of the beach as they make their way to nest , but are distracted by artificial light sources such as from beach discos .
11 This makes them terrible foes in battle as an uncanny silence reigns as they fight , no war cries or screams rend the air as they wield their halberds with deadly intensity .
12 They are terrible foes in battle as an uncanny silence reigns as they fight , no war cries or screams rend the air as they wield their halberds with deadly intensity .
13 A little of the festive warmth seemed to die out of the air as they took their places around the low coffee table in the corner of the great hangar .
14 They all looked across the road as they heard their father call .
15 I wait by the gate as they pick their way down to the slimy bottom of the dip .
16 Cameron Toll 's anchor tenant , Savacentre , will be excluded from the sale as they own their premises along with the petrol station .
17 Six Broadstairs matrons attempting to shop at Marchesi 's the confectioners , two errand boys buying bloaters from Mr Goodman the fishmonger , a few afternoon revellers strolling out from the Dolphin Inn and an eager group from the Tourist Cycling Club staying at the Balmoral Bijou Hotel found themselves swept along with the crowd as they pursued their leaders down Harbour Street under the ancient York Gate ( which being without specific Dickensian associations hardly received a glance ) .
18 She contributed very little to the conversation as they ate their meal .
19 A group of potential servicewomen watch the activity as they complete their one-mile run as part of the selection procedure .
20 He liked best the stormy winter evenings when , working late , he could see the lights of shipping prinking the horizon as they made their way down the coast to the Yarmouth lanes , and see the flashing lightships and the beam from Happisburgh Lighthouse , which for generations had warned mariners of the treacherous offshore sands .
21 Schoolchildren in the US and the UK were linked over the system as they used their personal computers for discussion of the environment .
22 ‘ This is the little spot where the locals eat , ’ he told the family as they took their places under the umbrellas in the small Piazza Emanuele .
23 They had discussed the possible reasons for such a meeting as they made their way to the farm , and all feared the worst .
24 A long white strip of cloth linked them all from hand a hand as they made their way down through the sleet and the open snowy fields .
25 So she made no protest as they wriggled their way beneath the bushes and waited in tense silence for the approaching party to appear .
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