Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] as it have been " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly Anne thought of the kitchen as it had been throughout her childhood , a warm , secure and loving haven .
2 Although Newby and his colleagues have demonstrated the dogged hold of traditional rural society on the levers of power , the changes foreseen by Pahl and Thorns , and documented by Ambrose , Connell , Radford and Pacione , may be only the foretaste of a much greater change in rural society , if the development of rural communities in California is a guide to the future as it has been so often in the past .
3 Stalin 's attitude towards France remained as contemptuous after he had signed the pact as it had been before .
4 In such a case a complete reconsideration of the case , including the taking of evidence and the finding of facts , would be a waste of time and money ; so the court can remit the case and direct the authority to reconsider the facts in the light of the law as it has been held to be .
5 It is also proposed to include a non-fundholding general practitioner on the committee as it has been a policy to try to ensure that two tier service does not develop .
6 Well I do n't se I do n't think that it has been badly designed for the old people , I think the object of building the town as it has been built is to integrate the erm the old people with the young , perhaps the young people resent that but I think we have got to have a mixed community in as much as we have got to be aware that old people need attention in as much as they need companionship and if they are not integrated with the community they are going to be I really se , just left out on their own which in lots of cases there are very , very many lonely people , old people but if they are put within the community I think the community will look after them , in as much as giving them companionship whether the people , some people resent it or not , I do n't know , but I do think that they should not be segregated .
7 It was shimmering under the surface as it had been all afternoon .
8 Then I tipped the leg and the can over until the leg was lying at the same angle on the grass as it had been , behind Blyth .
9 We are at present monitoring the policy as it has been in operation for approximately 18 months .
10 I closed my eyes for the rest of the journey as it had been a busy two days and I did n't feel lik& going to the council offices either , It would be too late anyway so I decided to take a stroll by the river and see how Nigel was getting on with the excavations .
12 In her authoritative study , José Harris tells us that where unemployment was concerned , Liberal policy dealt with ‘ only an ice-berg tip ’ of the problem as it had been defined by Booth , Llewellyn Smith , Beveridge , and the Webbs .
13 The old imperial line of communication through the Mediterranean , Suez Canal , Red Sea and Indian Ocean to the Far East and the Antipodes would be just as important to the Commonwealth as it had been to the colonial Empire .
14 At least the Rabiers had had the good sense to leave the inside of the château as it had been , at any rate on this floor .
15 Accordingly , he attempted to shift Marxism away from orthodox theories of an absolute determinism towards the primacy of a concept of ‘ History ’ which , while still a totality as it had been for Lukács , a process with a determinate meaning and end , could also include a concept of human agency and thus articulate the individual with the social , freedom with determinism .
16 When fellwalking becomes a passion as it has been for me and many others , the summits are regarded as old friends and memories are refreshed on each visit .
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