Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] as [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of orthography it is only in comparatively recent times that spelling has been standardised into ‘ correct ’ forms , it being , in former centuries , very much at the whim of the writer as to how a word was spelt , and it was not unusual for several styles — ‘ king ’ , ‘ kyng ’ , ‘ kynge ’ are examples — to be used in the same document , or even sentence .
2 The decision as to when an odour will amount to an actionable nuisance at law depends on the whole of the circumstances of the case in question .
3 Further , the usual smooth convex and concave slopes allow considerable latitude in the decision as to where the back and front of the terrace are located .
4 But one can still ask what part of our being it is which makes the judgement as to where the authority lies .
5 One understands the route as to why the erm Liberal Democrats wish to pursue that .
6 I do n't want to go to the story as to why the labour party opposed the er th the entry to the city of Marks and Spencer but it 's an interest .
7 Limiting maximum eligible patients per doctor would help , as would requiring some broad declaration by the practice as to how the sum would be spent ( such as will occur with the revised health promotion payments ) .
8 The father came before the judge on an ex parte application designed to return the boy , A. , to the family , to protect the other three children and to preserve the status quo pending a decision by the judge as to where the children should live by making the appropriate applications for a residence order and so on .
9 That is the definition as to why an application should be called in .
10 My Lord erm just to sweep up one or two of the other , very briefly the points my learned friend has just raised , erm I , I think it follows that our provisional position at the moment is that we think that reference is probably more satisfactory than simply going to the commission , what went , if your Lordship went to the commission and then found that they were unsatisfactory or did n't really take matters further , for one of the reasons it might very well not , is because the original complaint put to the commission was not framed in the same way as the defence and counterclaim are now framed , er there 's been a very considerable amount of refinement , both parties would no doubt wish to put submissions into the commission as to how the answer should be put or to provide information so the commission can answer them and so on and so forth and it may not be any quicker doing it that way
11 Close — the pupil sees the choice as between only a few alternative possibilities .
12 This state of affairs causes no surprise when it is recognised that ‘ what is understood is at least as dependent on how the receptor perceives the message as on how the communicator presents it ’ ( Kraft 1979:148 ) .
13 I I asked the er the minister earlier about this question and I appreciate his difficulties being a home office minister rather than a foreign office minister and I quite understand his reluctance to er stray too far from his departmental portfolio but the reality is that the British government agreed that the European parliament should continue to meet in Strasbourg but we 've heard nothing from the minister as to where the money should come from er in order to make that commitment a reality because I 'm sure that every member opposite would say that the uncertainty about the present boundaries is not the er responsibility of the British government , that it 's a matter for the French government to sort out which boundaries er will be in place in the United Kingdom by June the ninth , the date of the European elections , but the reality is that the British government have gone along with the arrangement for having Strasbourg recognised as a er seat for the European parliament .
14 She finds , however , this kind of work very difficult ‘ When the parents are equally decent and competent , or the reverse , it is very difficult to make a decision as to where the children should reside on breakdown of the parents ’ marriage .
15 I agree it 's important , what I have no feel for , is whether it is something which helps to make a decision as to where the new settlement might go .
16 Erm for instance if he 's asking for the child to go to live with him and you oppose that then then court would make a decision as to where the child s should live .
17 But then this theory confesses that it is completely at a loss as to how the image can possibly be received by the brain .
18 The second entails a projection as to how the pupil will behave in the unit but this is often obliquely expressed and reworked in terms of the first .
19 But I do n't have much of a picture as to how the team are playing .
20 However , not only is there no predictability as to how a case will be categorised , there is also no ex post rationality that can be achieved by juxtaposing a series of cases and asking why one case went one way and another was decided differently .
21 Just rang up the Dial-a-ticket but there 's no news as to when the tickets for the Oxford match are available .
22 McAteer could not remember having been struck there and made no claim as to how the injury had been caused .
23 They offered no theory as to why the child behaved in such a way , no external event was allowed an explanatory status ; rather the outburst was reflected back to the personality of the child , who was said to have a very angry liver ( the liver being the seat of inner states ) .
24 It does sound to me was there has to have been given a reason as to why the claim was rejected .
25 ‘ the reasons for it ’ — a statement as to why the treatment prescribed would not give a true and fair view ;
26 The eastern Australian passive margin is one region where there has been a fruitful interchange of ideas and data between geomorphologists and geophysicists , although this has not resulted in a consensus as to either the history of uplift or the mechanisms that have caused it .
27 Remember that , if working in a large organisation , then someone might be asked to assess the DC who has no clue as to why the change is being proposed .
28 This provides a measure of each speaker 's variability with respect to the particular variants under consideration , but provides no clue as to why the speaker might have used the variant that he/she did in any particular case .
29 If you balance the filth of the rumours or the sly hints and obnoxious asides of people like Robert and my agent against the decent , if romantic , dignities shown in the preceding paragraph and again in the portrayal of the girl I saw earlier on this night you can surely be left in no doubt as to where the weight of the truth fall .
30 Locke 's use of the term ‘ ideas ’ ( ‘ ideas of sickness and pain' ) is a clue as to why the manna → gripings model for talk about the objects of perception appealed to him so much .
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