Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] ['s] [noun sg] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 A major event of the illustrator 's diary is the annual images exhibition , now in its 17th year .
2 Put very simply , the retailer 's profit is the difference between the price he pays for an item ( cost price ) and the price he charges the customer .
3 The Institute 's Members Handbook says so in statement 1.306 : ‘ The auditor 's client is the company . ’
4 The afternoon 's surprise was the determined competition for Lucian Freud 's small and rather unattractive nude portrait ( lot 55 , est. £50,000–70,000 ) which sold to a telephone bidder for £115,000 ( $172,500 ) .
5 For the thriller , the solution to the narrative 's enigma is the unveiling of the criminal ; for the romance , it is what Germaine Greer described as the ‘ Almighty kiss ’ .
6 What is coincident with the modal 's event is the infinitive event 's potentiality , not its actualization .
7 The price of Vanguard cars did not fluctuate and the contract price and market price at the date of the buyer 's breach were the same .
8 Rather , it calculates a function : The function 's argument is the set I of inputs to the bottom layer , and its value is the resulting set of values of all nodes at the top layer .
9 The most dramatic event in the university 's history was the secession in 1333 of northern students from Oxford to Brazenose College in St. Paul 's Street .
10 Only when she saw the outline of a man 's head in a peaked cap sitting in the driver 's seat was the mystery explained .
11 Well — the argument goes — it must be because we do not think that behind the parrot 's utterance is the thought ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ .
12 The album 's title is the true irony .
13 The industry 's expansion is the result of the IDA 's efforts to create a new industry to take over from the ailing assembly , light manufacturing , and textile industries that started Ireland 's industrialisation in the early 1950s .
14 A noteworthy feature of the instrument 's design is the extreme shortness of the scalingc ’ = 261 mm ( 10¼ ’ ) , which suggests brass stringing throughout .
15 Invited by the USSR Supreme Soviet , the delegation 's visit was the first by Albanian parliamentarians since the breakdown in diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1961 [ see p. 18528 ] .
16 Presidents usually nominate persons of the same political party as themselves , but at the lower levels of the federal judiciary a critical factor in the President 's choice is the views of the senators of the state in which the appointee is to serve .
17 He said : ‘ The defendant 's mother was the subject of interest to the police on this occasion as well .
18 The Citizen 's Charter is the most far-reaching programme ever devised to improve quality in public services .
19 The physicist 's problem is the problem of ultimate origins and ultimate natural laws .
20 And the priest 's garb is the disguise that fooled the Germans .
21 The principal objects in the lawyer 's discourse were the jointly-owned house and the possible tenancy-in-common .
22 One of the keys to the club 's success is the communication between members and the Club management .
23 The club 's pivot was the drama : its master was Leo Lloyd — the second of those men who were to promote the career of so many boys and girls from the Afan valley .
24 The horse 's temperament is the inherited part of its personality .
25 For the priests , in fact , were doing exactly the same trick , and probably by exactly the same means , as the old East Anglian and Scottish horsemen who made out and actually believed that the horse 's immobility was the result of some secret and magical device they had resorted to .
26 There will certainly be concern abroad that one measure in the administration 's locker is the growth of American exports .
27 You must understand that the boat 's history is the affair of the Customs officers .
28 The youngster 's display was the only plus in a 2–1 defeat ; Ellison missed a penalty when the scores were level , and Mitch Cook was sent off for swearing at a linesman ironically Pickering scored his first goal for the club when Quakers were down to ten men .
29 Close to the Princess 's elephant are the chief eunuchs , richly adorned and finely mounted , each with a wand of office in his hand .
30 To be chosen as the Queen 's handmaid is the highest honour for an Elf-maid or her family , just as to be chosen as her consort is the dream of every youth of Avelorn .
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