Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb past] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The case against the defendant was indeed a strong one and for that reason their Lordships would not be prepared simply to recommend that an acquittal be ordered , but they do not feel able to say that the jury would inevitably have convicted , if the defence had been furnished in advance with the three statements in question and if the jury had received the accepted direction on evidence as to character and guidance from the trial judge on the problem , whatever it was , indicated when they first returned to court .
2 Mr Smith said when the Premier had been quizzed about poverty in Britain recently he had snapped back : ‘ What poverty ? ’
3 The Stand had been taken to the recent Funeral Service Exhibition at Mottram Hall .
4 Southern analysis of stable transformants showed that the plasmid had been integrated into the tubulin locus by homologous recombination .
5 They received no damages for the loss of some exceptionally lucrative government dyeing contracts which they would haze secured if the boiler had been delivered on time .
6 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
7 A few weeks later , when the link had been made between Willi and his mother , who lived in Rochdale , the Movement collected money for the rest of his journey .
8 Committee chairman , Coun Handel Morgan , said the funding had been earmarked in the education committee estimates but was deleted by the policy committee and full county council .
9 It should be noted in passing that in Scotland the change had been made in 1599/60 .
10 What was even more surprising was that the change had been instituted by her new coach Harold Solomon , who was a confirmed baseliner in his playing days .
11 The mercury had been discharged from a local chemical plant .
12 Though far too small for me , the bike had been saved to be passed on to Cymbeline ; somehow it had been overlooked in the purge .
13 The bike had been left with the fireman-uncle for him to sell .
14 The trial had been featured for the previous three days .
15 According to Index on Censorship , lawyers claimed that there had been ‘ insufficient evidence ’ and that the outcome of the trial had been influenced by ‘ external pressures ’ which amounted to an international campaign against ranchers in the Amazon ( see pages 18–19 ) .
16 The printer started work on the title/ Names fold , as in B , before copy for the Preface and the Prologue had been delivered to his shop — with the deadline looming , no doubt .
17 The award had been made to a couple whose two-bedroom house , bought for £9,000 in 1978 with a council mortgage , later proved unsaleable due to subsidence .
18 It was the first time that the award had been made to a Communist head of state .
19 The award had been instituted by the late John Fenton in 1983–84 , and Ann Packard joined ‘ an illustrious peerage ’ of holders —
20 Ivan Boiko , was cited in Rossiiskaya gazeta of Oct. 29 as saying that the Directorate had been established at Yeltsin 's suggestion .
21 Because a mosque stood next door it was said that the cinema had been rejected by Allah as an unworthy neighbour .
22 In an indication that Britons would be paying more in indirect taxes in the medium term , but the the blow had been deferred until future years , the Chancellor said : ‘ These reviews will inevitably take time , so I have also had to look to the revenue side of the account .
23 Commission vice-president Martin Bangemann explained that the measure had been framed under Single Market ‘ fast-track ’ procedures in which final approval is subject to qualified majority in the Council of Ministers on matters necessitating a high level of public protection .
24 The measure had been postponed since April due to political uncertainties .
25 The measure had been approved by the lower chamber on Dec. 1 , but had been held up in the upper house where the LDP lacked an overall majority .
26 The yew had been grown by John Combes in the early 1700s when this house was built , and there had been an altercation about it ; there had also been an altercation about the building .
27 When Mushtaq added Lamb 's wicket , lbw to a straightish one which hardly left the ground , much of the heart had been taken from England 's line-up , and the lead was a mere 99 , five down .
28 Although a skeleton staff had been left behind to keep the houses dusted and secure and though there were more of us in the compound than the average Western home would see in a month , there was an air of loneliness , an awful stillness as though the heart had been removed from the body .
29 claimed that his power was given to him by god , but everyone knew that the throne had been seized by his father .
30 The money raised was given to the Holy Childhood and the scheme was adopted by Australia and Scotland .
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