Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [coord] [pron] was not " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , he had reservations about the quality of the cable and he was not alone in this .
2 There was a pool of milk in the kitchen but it was n't too bad .
3 The financial constraints were initially rather phantom-like ( in the first year , for example , there was prolonged and somewhat inconclusive discussion with the Ministry about the budget and it was not finally authorised until the financial year was over ! ) , but the physical constraints were none the less effective in limiting the industry 's expenditure .
4 She was dressed in one of those puritan outfits for the play but she was n't a puritan , she was a nun .
5 On the following day Jack still seemed to be sleep-walking his way around the course and I was not surprised when he visited the water a couple of times and eventually handed in a score of two over par .
6 thought that was him in the car but it was n't cos
7 I tried to have a word with the Cashier but he was n't talking .
8 It would have been easier to set off in the daylight but it was n't possible .
9 Instead of sending in his officers to haul out the occupiers , Alderson argued that this was a civil issue , there had been no breach of the peace and it was not his job to suppress dissent .
10 There was some opposition in the Committee but it was not pressed to division , and it seems that the restrictions were reluctantly accepted as part of a package deal to get agreement on the report as a whole .
11 when we got down there , and erm , rang the bloke and he was n't in and we kept ringing and he was n't in .
12 Several times they crossed paths that led into the forest but it was not until another hour had passed and the moon was paling in the light of the false dawn that they were at last among strange scattered rocks like those which strewed the fringe of the forest where they had first entered the Waste .
13 Only through Cunhaval was she aware of life in the forest and it was not a life-form that encouraged them to slow down and set a trap .
14 Tealtaoich was not exactly padding into the forest and he was not precisely slinking into it either .
15 And when he sagged and said he 'd had enough of the place and it was not what he had thought it would be , she said life never was and that if he wanted to stay in Fleet Street he would be foolish to leave without a new job to go to .
16 I could always get Fenella or somebody to answer the phone and I was n't in the phone book , so I figured that if I chickened out , I could block her .
17 Sometimes Bernard would work all through the night and there was not a day in winter even in snowy , freezing weather when they would n't turn up and bring sandwiches and bottles to keep us all going . ’
18 I splashed my hands in the water but he was n't a bit cross . ’
19 DoH attempts to secrecy only added to the mystique and it was n't long before the Support Force and Butler collected an array of nicknames with the £hit-squad ’ being the most polite .
20 Then we went to see what had happened to the rope round the tree and there was n't anything left , it had just gone .
21 A good spiritual director would have been able to interpret this experience and have led him , step by step , past these dangerous swings of mood to a disciplined equanimity which was rooted in a deeper part of the self and which was not so dependent upon exterior circumstance .
22 Well Ian is quite irked it happened because people Zain and Desmond got the job on the day and it was n't quite clearly said , my fault , not quite clearly said exactly , count the money religiously and
23 I ca n't exactly remember which side of of the person on the who was lying on the ground , P C was but he was in a position where he was not putting himself er he was covering the person lying on the ground but he was n't covering to the point of fact that P C erm would have to walk in front of his shot gun .
24 I was the goodie and he was n't exactly the baddie , but we were against each other all the time .
25 He came forward at me through the smoke and he was n't smiling .
26 I heard the motor but I was n't even able to get the number . "
27 It 's funny , but as me , my mum and dad , all piled into the back of the ambulance , I remember thinking it was a shame it was so early in the morning and there was n't anyone around to see me go .
28 And they all , they got up in the morning and I was n't home still
29 Mm , and that , and that , at the end of the day I suppose there has to be a point for the kingdom and it was n't easy to get into that because all the , the , the accounts are all about how big a struggle it is , to get into the kingdom
30 Ronald had had problems in the past but he was not the villain he was made out to be during the court case .
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