Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] [prep] another " in BNC.

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1 He rose from the desk and turned on another light in the room .
2 If a shower ( other than the instantaneous type fitted to the rising main ) is connected to a tap or shower fitting fed from a single pipe leading from the cold water cistern , flushing the WC or turning on another cold water tap can starve the shower of cold water , making it uncomfortably hot .
3 He finished the beer and asked for another .
4 ‘ He sat down and we wanted to get on with the game and try for another goal , so I wanted him off .
5 I shall here consider three such attempts to connect past and present : firstly , that which I shall call a ‘ kairos ’ approach , in which the past is basically normative but it is said that there can be development ; secondly , that which I shall call the ‘ golden thread ’ approach , in which a leading motif is lifted out of the past and applied in another situation ; thirdly , that which I shall call an ‘ a priori ethical ’ position , in which essentially authority is seen to lie in the present but there is not perceived to be any fundamental clash with the past .
6 The flood apart from ruining their home made their own car which should have taken them for the fully-paid honeymoon in Scotland , float off down the road and crash into another car .
7 The bell can then be detached from the chamber and deployed with another pair of divers .
8 He promptly left the farm and went to another , where he helped the maid with her spinning , though refused to divulge his name .
9 One problem here is that it is cold comfort to an individual citizen that he can use the political process to air his grievances , for example by writing to his MP or councillor or to the press or voting for another party next time round .
10 I did not watch him all the way but looked for another target .
11 Taking the bail arm off I fed a little line , re-engaged the pick-up and struck into another cat .
12 I believe if a player is down as a defender but plays in another position .
13 ‘ These console type games costing around £36 are not cheap so I thought customers could bring back their used games within , say , a month and swop for another for a fiver , ’ said Mrs Spence .
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