Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pers pn] [modal v] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When she came back from a date with the Prince she would be full of sympathy for him uttering phrases like ‘ they work him too hard ’ or ‘ it 's appalling the way they push him around . ’
2 It 's performance is shattering , as for the money you would be entitled to expect .
3 When selecting the most important features of the case they should be clear , strong and characteristic of the patient 's illness right now .
4 That being the case it will be necessary to tell her tomorrow .
5 Regardless of whoever is handling the case you must be sure :
6 If you require a printout of the case you should be aware of the different printing options which vary in speed and expense .
7 If you have computerised time recording then at the conclusion of the case you will be able to request a billing guide .
8 Where the dealer acted as counterparty to the contract he may be willing to unwind the contract with a customer but there is no incentive for him to do so at a competitive price .
9 For the present it would be advisable not to report such allegations without giving the person defamed an opportunity to refute them in the same report .
10 Perhaps , she wondered as she hurried downstairs , if she could find the kitchen she might be able to make a cup of coffee and a slice of toast for herself .
11 It is important to identify the settlor because if he or his spouse has retained a benefit or interest under the settlement or can benefit under the settlement he can be taxable upon the trust income .
12 Aye just , if the two of yous get me up on the settee I 'll be alright , me and her ah ah ah ah !
13 He had explained that he was going to see Eloise , in the hope she might be willing to sell him something .
14 If Americans believe that progress is underway in creating jobs and reducing the deficit they will be satisfied with incremental health care reform .
15 Of the driver it would be reasonable to say that she must have seen them but she has forgotten about the pigeons and just did n't notice the lights and roadworks .
16 Erm I , I , there were provisions that where er more than ten percent of the population for any area was at the level you would be able to tax at a higher rate .
17 However , many recognise that if Religious Education is to hold parity of status with other areas of the curriculum it must be open to assessment which is an integral part of the teaching and learning process .
18 Now we we just mentioned Tarmac 's Tarmac 's objectives let's just go through them er after the course you should be able to make clear logical and well organised case presentations , fine .
19 By the end of the course you will be able to sail the board in light winds , in any direction and get home again .
20 Cos if I go to the college I might be able to get a flat .
21 It does n't offer you a definition , but by the end of the chapter you should be able to give your own definition of what it would be like if you were more assertive .
22 In the future it may be possible to convert water to hydrogen on a large scale by electrolysis , for example .
23 On the other hand a diary entry such as ‘ ring X ’ is effective and if the entry is some way in the future it may be necessary to amplify with a trigger of the form ‘ ring X re Y ’ and to have easily accessible some factual data such as the X telephone number and some data re Y. In a different context a car driver will develop a strategy to ensure that he does not run out of petrol , he may rely on a light which appears when the tank is nearly empty or he may calculate from his expected travelling that he need not concern himself about the issue until at least the next weekend , or he may programme himself to react to the fact that he is approaching a particular garage .
24 However , if Mr Chekhov decided to write anything in the future it would be delighted to have look at it .
25 In considering priorities for the future it would be sensible to assume a substantial increase in welfare need combined with a decrease in government support .
26 if that happens at the peak of the boom it would be sufficient to precipitate a sudden and spectacular crisis .
27 We have been involved in research of a very similar nature for some time , and although we are not publishing in such august journals as The Phyrologist you may be interested to learn of our most recent advance .
28 I gather one of them told the President he should be downcast during his negotiations with Uridia .
29 Taking a step forward , she saw that by crossing to the side of the compound and climbing the fence she would be able to get back round to the entrance .
30 So I thought that if I climbed the fence I 'd be able to reach the entrance and the machine where I can buy some chocolate .
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