Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But that holding the afternoon off him after loosing a leg I think that was really terrible aye .
2 I have therefore tried to discover some way in which this House can fulfil its duty to decide the case before it without trespassing on the sensibilities of the House of Commons .
3 Suddenly , to his relief , Celia herself broke the constraint between them by remarking , ‘ I had an unexpected visitor yesterday . ’
4 Thereafter , we allays made a point of asking the culprit , whenever we wanted to use the bucket for anything from watering the flowers to doing the ironing , ‘ Is this water in here or urine ? ’
5 His theory is that the two men were either freelance or else they decided to try and kill the President by themselves without telling the others . ’
6 ‘ Where did you learn anyway ? ’ he asked as they snapped their skis off and bumped the ice from them before going in .
7 Rather than tensing up and pulling with all your arm strength , simply use your weight to do the work for you by leaning on your arms with a straight back .
8 This is partly brought about by the theoretical writings of Constantin Stanislavsky who confounds the issue for us by bringing emotional expression back onto the stage .
9 Check that the desk is the right height and that you can use the equipment on it without straining .
10 There is some support for the proposition that such a loan , if made to a person fully capable of repaying the same and , for instance , charged against property in the United Kingdom , gives the taxpayer minimal benefit from the case of O " Leary v McKinlay [ 1991 ] STC 42 where Vinelott J at p51 , dealing with a Schedule E beneficial loan , stated the following : If an employer lends money to an employee free of interest or at a favourable rate of interest and if the employee is free to exploit the money in any manner he chooses his employment can not be said to have been the source of the income derived from the exploitation ; the employer is the source of the money and the taxpayer is assessable to tax under Sch E on the benefit to him of obtaining the loan on the terms on which the loan was made ; but if the loan is repayable on demand that benefit can not be quantified and form the basis of an assessment under Sch E. It is arguable if property is held by a non-resident trust for A for life and B absolutely that if the trustees lend money to A at interest then if A allows the trustees not to pursue him in his capacity as borrower for the interest that no benefit will arise .
11 Deciding for oneself what to do causes anxiety , exhaustion , or involves costs in time or resources the avoidance of which by following authority does not have significant drawbacks , and is therefore justified .
12 The charge against her of having assisted in conducting a betting business at her house was dismissed by the Stipendiary Magistrate on 20th August .
13 Then blows the gaff on herself by driving straight past Riva 's house .
14 Foucault specifies the difference between them by contrasting their relation to the document : the historians of total history have been engaged above all in the interpretation of documents , attempting to reconstitute the past , to give it an inner meaning ( always available only to the historian ) , to recover a voice and allow it to speak .
15 My language awareness course is intended to obviate the need for it by enabling any teacher to learn alongside the pupils .
16 These people are entitled to use ridicule as a weapon to provoke such folk as the sweetly unreasonable Mr Akhtar and the rest of us into wondering whether our beliefs , including our most deeply held convictions , are actually tenable .
17 For example a couple of weeks ago there was a thing on tit for tat and this week there 's a fascinating thing on snakes and female sexuality which erm illustrates er some of the points I 'll be , I 'll , I 'll be making and although as Sue rightly says erm , most of the articles in Nature are rather technical and difficult to understand if you 're not a specialist they do make concessions to the rest of us by publishing very often erm summaries er in the first part of the journal erm and there is one on this and er I can recommend that .
18 Therapy will aim to reduce the guilt of such people by helping them to decide whether they will continue to practise oral sex , and , if so , to lessen the conflict within them by helping them accept the activity as pleasurable and human and not highly deviant .
19 ‘ There 's some deep bruising here , ’ began Max , pointing to Kemp 's left temple , ‘ but the main blow ’ — he jerked the head towards him before caressing the crushed skull with a gentle reverence — ‘ was here . ’
20 ‘ But if he 'd known of this outrage , ’ said Philip , looking from one to the other of them with searching eyes , ‘ the boy would have told me in Isambard 's presence .
21 Human regard for the sea has varied from the taking of it for granted as a tiresome obstacle to trade and exploration , to romanticising it in what so many writers are pleased to call its moods .
22 And she was furious that Mr Clarke did not break the news to her before holding a Press conference .
23 Herein lies a big problem for managers who must take steps to ensure that everyone understands the need for involvement — To this end a series of seminars and talks should be arranged in order to explain the issue , seek ideas and the commitment of everyone to meeting the challenge .
24 I could , I could really throw the dirt at them by saying that I 'll , you know , if there is a conspiracy there 's , a person here who 's been involved in a very iffy part of the budget , who all of a sudden after ten years of slagging off the town clerk , all of a sudden he 's totally on the town clerk 's side , together with Councillor .
25 Sport , erm , I remember when I learned badminton , that the teacher would show us the high smash shot down , until we saw it being done properly , if he told us the theory of it without showing us what it looked like when it was done properly , we would n't have known what we were aiming at .
26 Family members too will have considerable feelings , and this might be an opportunity for a family meeting in the old person 's home , acknowledging the sadness for everybody of having to give up that home , accepting the necessity for more care , and with it the reassurance that the family will be vitally needed for continued regular visiting and involvement .
27 He takes the belt to them for nicking one minute , and then the next he 's sending them out to do it .
28 Since development is far more important , it was argued , we should attract the cream to ourselves by offering competitive and lucrative wages .
29 For years bankers in Paris have taken instructions from the government on everything from bailing out troubled companies to keeping base lending rates low .
30 When you have to get up from a settee , it will take less effort if you first come to the edge of it before attempting to stand .
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