Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 For example , the reduction in manufacturing jobs over the last decades in some high wage countries has forced workers to seek jobs in other less well paid and less secure sectors or , as has happened particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom , forced older workers displaced from traditional industries ( like mining and steel-making ) into permanent unemployment .
2 The reduction in training places over the last two years has also meant that firms can now pick the cream of the universities ' output .
3 This is because the change in the stock in the current quarter ( ) consists of revaluations ( which are a function of the change in asset prices over the quarter ) and new purchases which are a function of expected gains from the time of purchase rather than simply from the end of the current quarter .
4 The article reported a survey by the National Solid Waste Management Association of the change in landfill capacity over the past five years .
5 A glimpse off how these ‘ compensation effects ’ could work their way through the economy is given in another study , also by the Warwick institute , on the change in employment patterns over the next 10 years .
6 One cause of friction was the discontent of BIA officers over the failure to implement promises of independence made publicly by General Iida of the Japanese army when the BIA first entered Tavoy in the south .
7 The Johnston and McClelland model therefore predicts that the advantage of word targets over letter targets will be the same with a backward mask which is a word , as with as backward mask consisting of a random sequence of letters .
8 The result has been to destroy much of the progress in health care over the years preceding each dispute .
9 This required two steps : the reimposition of state control over insurrectionist authorities such as the Committees of Public Safety ; and the restoration of a clear distinction between military and civilian spheres .
10 Mossy Rooney , a man who , though he spoke little , noticed a lot , saw the look of relief pass over Benny Hogan 's face , as she was sent to bed with a hot-water bottle and a cup of hot milk .
11 The symbolic roles of political leaders preoccupied Pareto and Mosca , who characterized them in a persistently cynical way as outright manipulation or fraud , simple tricks essential to the maintenance of elite control over the mass .
12 Shamir made his call in the light of Cabinet disagreements over a Police Ministry proposal to prevent all unmarried Palestinian men under the age of 30 from entering Israel .
13 The attempt to achieve a national core curriculum , while widely supported as a way of improving literacy and numeracy amongst schoolchildren , was also feared as yet another turn in the ratchet of state control over local experimentation .
14 However , the talks were reported to have centred on the issue of water rights over the Jordan and Yarmouk rivers .
15 In this way the influence of revenue source over programme content was minimized .
16 The identification of family authority over children with the interests of the state is strongly aligned with the political view that the family should be encouraged to accept total responsibility for its members .
17 The second aspect is the relative stability in the proportion of transport workers over the two decades , despite , as we know from Figure 3.1 , the job losses that have occurred in the transport service industries since the 1960s .
18 There is also the question of consumer reaction over interference with natural production by using hormones . ’
19 This , together with the fall in house prices over the last three years , means that mortgage affordability should fall to a 20 year-low .
20 The examination of rape coverage over time shows in particular how this topic has left the narrow audience of the News of the World and has entered the popular dailies on a large scale .
21 The surplus of market value over consideration given is treated as a distribution and advanced corporation tax will be payable .
22 This type of generalization requires the comparison of maps showing the two spatial patterns of elevation of the terrain above sea-level and the distribution of pine trees over that same terrain .
23 Thus , far from shareholder control justifying judicial non-interference , the looseness of shareholder control over management indicates the need for at least considering an expanded role for the courts .
24 An analysis of individual life-histories illuminates the nature of community control over members of the ‘ sub-society ’ .
25 They added that the failure to discipline staff over the BCCI affair had undermined its future effectiveness .
26 Monitoring is necessary in order to limit the tendency of team members to ‘ shirk ’ , that is , to increase leisure and reduce effort ‘ on the job ’ ( they explain the existence of the firm by reference to the superiority of internal monitoring through observation of the behaviour of team members over monitoring of teams by market competition ) .
27 In the UK at present , the public sector is in substantial budget surplus , ( ie the excess of tax receipts over government spending ) .
28 To continue the excess of import value over export value is bad housekeeping , no different to the wife who continually spends more than her husband earns , with the obvious results , which on a national scale will increase unemployment not reduce it .
29 Graham ( 1982 ) supports such efforts and explores , through PIMS , the relationship between the excess of actual returns on equity over required yields and the excess of market value over book value .
30 Yellowfin became elusive after the El Nino current change affected the availability of food supplies over the last two decades .
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