Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun sg] that [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 Brian Hillier agreed with the defence suggestion that he had nothing to fear from any so-called threats , he had already resigned from the club and he was awaiting trial for cheating the taxman .
2 The paratroop regiment that he had left eighteen months before was now bivouacked in a concrete and brick school house on the outskirts of Jalalabad and dominated the low ground of an Afghan valley .
3 And she baked some bread with the millet flour that she had brought from her own garden .
4 One could only say of an electron encircling the hydrogen nucleus that it had a certain probability of being found here and a certain probability of being found there .
5 Barbara looked up as she dragged Jimmy to one side , and saw Duvall stoop to pick up the broken neck of the whisky bottle that she had dropped .
6 Managers and deputy managers can now receive training in staff management , time management , planning and budgeting , in addition to the familiarisation training that they have always received .
7 The financial backers may also be sensitive about the disclosure of the purchase price that they had supported .
8 Suddenly he remembered the owl lamp that he 'd knocked in the night .
9 As you know I 've er been holding a number of er small meetings with staff er and one of the questions I 've been asking is whether or not there has been a need for the building presentation that we 've done for a couple of years er and generally there was the view expressed that yes it was desirable but perhaps in a different format .
10 Continuing nursing care , it 's important to stress here , that the continuing nursing care , the arrangements have relied to some extent on the use of joint finance to ensure that the Health Authority has been able to meet during the year the extra workload , and er , the budget settlement that they have , er , is actually being discussed at the moment with a view to the picking up some of those costs on a continuing basis .
11 The other thing I 'd say is that the budget settlement that we 've got introduces a further hundred thousand of investment in new technology , and this is part of our push to making us more efficient in the way we manage our budgets and all the rest of it .
12 Mediterranean , perhaps , if the skin colour that he 'd taken for suntan was natural .
13 Having listened in the past to some of their recordings , I suspect that it 's the RTH/Iseler combination that we have here but , which ever it is , the Toronto Choir sing with gutsy tone in items such as Haydn 's ‘ The Heavens are Telling ’ ( from The Creation ) and with some finesse sensitivity in more contemplative music by , for instance , Fauré and Vaughan Williams .
14 It would be tremendous if all other industries fought with as much passion : the tragedy being that they have n't yet realised that they too are likely to be as overwhelmingly affected .
15 He said : ‘ I forgot to sign the card index that I had administered the drug and I could not order more because it was a Sunday . ’
16 He spent 1990 watching his paymasters demolish the investment bank that he had spent the previous seven years building up for the Pru 's assault on Wall Street .
17 Josie said from the doorway , and so Lucy explained about her earlier interview and the ring binder that she 'd seen .
18 ‘ I 'd better not waste any more time , ’ she added , pushing the door open and going through , finding herself at an entrance to the dock area that she had seen from Froebe 's office .
19 To soften the blow I said it was only because I was held in such high esteem in the football world that I had to get rid of any player or , as in his case , friend , who showed any sign of being a no-hoper .
20 Hinds convinced the libel jury that he had been wrongfully convicted , so the newspaper 's defence of justification failed .
21 As the hon. Gentleman will know , the recent adjournment is to allow the provisional liquidator to formalise details of the compensation package that he has been negotiating with the Government of Abu Dhabi .
22 It seems , however , very unlikely that ‘ toxicity ’ to isolated membranes could induce the specific tryosine phosphorylation of the EFG receptor that we have shown .
23 Such discussions with the Home Office that I have had on the question have made it clear that when their guidelines to the police are finally formulated the limited use of investigative hypnosis will be exclusively in the hands of trained and independent professionals such as clinical psychologists .
24 That will have serious consequences , because where there is a small increase in spending by a local authority , high gearing will result in a large increase in the council tax that it has to levy .
25 He told the recruiting officer that he 'd been a sergeant in the Boer War and boasted that he knew more about the Army than all these whipper-snappers who were waiting to join with him .
26 When I told the museum official that I had met David Damiani , his eyes opened wider with interest .
27 He 'd messed up his note-book , scared off the hen pheasant that he 'd waited ages to lure to the feeding ground , nicked his helmet , that was all .
28 That 's the chicken neck that I 've roasted .
29 specific points in the development of people , whilst that we recognise that the partners in practice was going to go into a quiet spell er something but we would run the risk if that happened on losing the expertise , the skill base that we 've got there and the undoubted qualities of the people within , we had to find a way in which we could use that skill base and other practice er of the practice and in fact that 's been quite successfully achieved in in recent months er with due diligence work for example er with legal support work is another example , when people in the insolvency practice have been very active on special science weeks ago tree .
30 They seem to be allowing the targeting of young people through advertising , but , because of the tax regime that they have introduced in the past few years , they seem to be exporting jobs in the tobacco industry .
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