Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun sg] have [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 A culture of sharing knowledge and experiences is also evolving and the Support Force has helped that development .
2 A freeze on the number of police officers , but we know that through the review of the police ranking system , that the Home Secretary has said that will mean a considerable number , and I think the figure of two thousand was mentioned , extra officers will be back on the beat .
3 The Home office has invented that story to cover up their own cock up .
4 However , the Audit Commission has challenged that figure , and has said that it would be nearer 50 per cent .
5 At the level of contentious and non-contentious business the Law Society has stated that
6 The Law Commission has proposed that property ( other than land , insurance policies and annuities , or property bought or transferred for business purposes ) bought by either spouse for their joint use and benefit should automatically belong to both unless they agree to the contrary ; and legislation to this effect is awaited .
7 And in the end the district council were able to afford a bit of funding towards staff , which broke a tradition that district councils tended only to fund premises , erm , and indeed the district council have done that as well in our case , recently by moving them to better premises .
8 I think just some of the song 's already on the morning show have proved that .
9 The click means the word processor has typed that character onto the screen .
10 Typical context : ‘ The health secretary has announced that next year the National Health Service will receive an additional FIFTY MILL ION Pounds … ’
11 The health authority has recognised that and has sought an alternative and more convenient landing pad .
12 The Land Registry has done that .
13 A murder trial has heard that tyre tracks found near where a woman drowned in the boot of her car were not consistent with an accident .
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