Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 History was sex , French was sex , art was sex , the Bible , poetry , penfriends , games , music , everything was sex except biology which was obviously sex but obviously not really sex , not the one which was secret and ecstatic and wicked and a sacrament and all the things it was supposed to be at one and the same time — I got that in the boiler room and it turned out to be biology after all .
2 The participative nature of Pilkingtons ' job analysis was vital in managing the change process because it ensured the practicality of work reorganization , while positive gains were made in commitment by relying on employee representatives .
3 When Uncle Vernon was a boy a Catholic had let off a firework in the path of the brewery dray-horse and it had lumbered sideways , the streamers of orange paper fluttering from its bridle rein and drifting to the kerb .
4 One could only say of an electron encircling the hydrogen nucleus that it had a certain probability of being found here and a certain probability of being found there .
5 The process , which a highly skilled operator controls through a keyboard , itself caused a revolution in the printing industry when it appeared in the 1890s , putting many hand composers out of a job .
6 The employees at Binns on High Row volunteered for the yearlong course after it came up in the company 's suggestion scheme .
7 Lifeboats also stood by the yacht Giaconda as it waited to refloat after going aground near the entrance to the River Colne .
8 ( At the same time , the government reformed the rating system as it applied to companies by introducing a uniform business rate — set at the same rate throughout the country . )
9 John wound up the toy car so it went .
10 *John wound up the toy car because it went .
11 WHEN THE Generating Board had tired of its investigations in the Dorset hinterland and its tussles with the Cornish protesters , it decided to fall back on the one site in the West Country where it felt confident it could successfully build the second British Pressurized Water Reactor .
12 The disruption of world markets in the aftermath of the war , the waves of protectionism and concurrent fall in export sales inevitably affected the Champagne trade as it razed other industries ; 1932 proved disastrous with virtually no buyers for Champagne .
13 The brass work was cast in the brass foundry , and from there it was sent to the brass finishing shop for machining and cleaning up , afterwards traversing the plating department where it received either venetian bronze , oxidised silver or plain brass lacquer finish , next passing to position No 3 for fixing in the carriage .
14 Once , when an alarm became peculiarly insistent , the Maggot thumped the instrument panel until it stopped .
15 Yanto reached the end of the rock bridge where it disappeared into the hard sand The walking was now relatively easy as he made his way towards the first of the salmon traps , or kipes as they were called locally .
16 We were laughing at the Sun this morning , had a picture of Neil Kinnock 's head in the light bulb and it said , could the last person out of Britain please turn the light off after them .
17 With experienced viewers this tended to lead to new visual discoveries and a concomitant extension of the construct system as it grappled with freshly perceived features .
18 He had glanced in the washroom mirror and it had not been a reassuring sight .
19 After they landed , the wind rose and it rained heavily ; when the rain stopped , there was a severe frost and eventually it snowed .
20 Dougal was halfway back to the car park before it occurred to him that flight was not necessarily the wisest course of action .
21 Jack wrote a poem to Warnie , urging him not to look back out of the car window as it hurtled away , leaving their childhood behind them .
22 Coffin hung on to the side of the car door as it swerved round a cyclist .
23 Another cherry , the double pink Kiku-shidare Sakura , no longer weeps gracefully over the terrace pond as it did for more than 20 years .
24 Suddenly we were into daylight and right ahead of us the waters of the Jequetepeque ran brown and white , the river 's level close under the rails of the girder bridge as it flowed , deep and very fast , through the gorge .
25 Ultimately , a figure of £2,500 per episode was fixed by the planners , a result which had as much effect on the script side as it did on the production values .
26 It had been run nose-first into the boat house where it lay like a huge , sleek beast in an undersized pen , the deep V of the forward end tucked under the gallery on which the three of them were standing .
27 More cheerfully he trotted after Lou , catching the tennis ball as it came bouncing towards him .
28 1992 was a particularly difficult and frustrating year on the whole for the management business as it struggled to replace the loss of business from the private commercial sector , the mainstay in the past , and re-orientate its services to the public sector .
29 But Dagenham council won a court order to make the hut safe after it sagged in the rain .
30 When he applied for judicial review he did not know whether his tariff exceeded 20 years , but on 10 April 1990 his solicitors were informed by the Home Office that it did not .
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