Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [adv prt] again [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nonconformity did not will migration into the towns nor the migration out again to the suburbs but it did meet the challenges presented by these mammoth social changes .
2 Another tip this Christmas is do n't put all of your nest egg into gilts , particularly if you are likely to want the cash out again in the next couple of years .
3 I was gon na get the drill out again for the
4 Curled up on the pipe , she acted as an obstruction which drove the smoke down again into the barge , making it almost uninhabitable .
5 The response has been so good that he anticipates taking the show out again in the autumn .
6 Airbus will anyway soon be passing the hat around again for an enormous 700-seat aeroplane , much bigger than the Boeing 747 .
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