Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] it [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 She flicked a pink anemone at him through the hatch and it hit his cheek so that he turned round and winked at her .
2 The Editor has commented in previous editions of ‘ NG ’ that graduates of the former University College , Nottingham ( the University before it received its charter in 1948 ) and people who hold external Nottingham degrees are regarded as members of Convocation just as are those who have obtained their degrees after study on the Nottingham campus .
3 Even though he had been expecting it — hoping for it , really — he resented the interruption because it broke his chain of concentration .
4 He read the letters interlaced with hearts ; he lit a cigarette , exhaled slowly , watching the smoke nudge across the roof until it found its way out into the sky through the circle in the roof like a full moon ; he lifted the door open , and looked across the olive grove .
5 The Times ( 15 August 1898 ) had given the broadest indication of the shock-waves produced by the push-bike when it delivered its editorial judgement on ‘ The Bicycle as a Social Force ’ , which bristled with otherwise unaccountable fears and allusions to deeper moving forces within society .
6 The only dish she made that we could tolerate was syrup tart , which we praised extravagantly , with the result that it became our unhealthy staple diet .
7 Kate sipped the liquid and felt the burn as it hit her throat .
8 Better for the employees and pensioners , he said yesterday , for Pilkington to stay and run the business as it runs its UK operations .
9 Better for the employees and pensioners , he said yesterday , for Pilkington to stay and run the business as it runs its UK operations .
10 We oppose this on the basis that it reinforces our current oppression under capitalism — women being divorced from the means of production .
11 ‘ I just pin the papers up in the dressing-room and it does my job for me .
12 On the application of both defendants Wright J. set aside the order in so far as related to such disclosure on the ground that it infringed their privilege against self-incrimination .
13 On an application by Mr. and Mrs. Tully , Wright J. made an order on 20 August 1991 setting aside the disclosure order on the ground that it infringed their privilege against self-incrimination .
14 The young bird has to perch upright on the rim while it grows its feathers .
15 Guisborough take on Northallerton in a First Division game , while Second Division promotion chasers Durham tackle Shotton. — BLYTH and Northallerton are the latest clubs to inform the Northern League that they will take promotion at the end of the season if it comes their way .
16 " They drink the sauce and it softens their brains for them . "
17 And surely I 'll hear the lift if it brings my inquisitor up ?
18 You press the button and it dries your hands .
19 Whether or not the biographer was right , it is true that once you can exclaim ‘ Abba , Father ! ’ , joy is the accompanying fruit of the Spirit and it sheds its radiance over life and death .
20 This view has long been linked with those who have argued that the company should not be specially regulated by the state since it owed its existence to nothing more than a contract between individual property owners .
21 The weakness of this is that it fails to view the implications of the spending when it makes its impact but only when the spending actually takes place .
22 He smelled the petrol as it covered his skin .
23 People are do something at the end of the training and it focuses your mind to the trainer writing material .
24 ‘ She 's got this whistle thing she holds next to the receiver and it blasts your eardrums out . ’
25 Follow the path as it winds its way through the forest .
26 The apothecary 's rose grows at Provins in France and has the property that it keeps its perfume even when the petals have been dried and powdered , thus making it of great use to add to medicinal compounds and ensuring that they are pleasant and soothing .
27 He remembers the world before it became his world and himself before he became his self .
28 Information after " those early dayes ' must lessen the deictic force of the utterance because it shifts our attention not to some presupposed referent seemingly outside the discourse ( what " early dayes ' ? ) but to something qualified within the text itself .
29 In Britain they failed to convert more than a faction of the Labour party , which was outvoted the year after it won its victory at the party conference .
30 The panel has decided that Arthur Watt , Wilkes ' chairman , was not providing material new information when he told three institutional shareholders that the company secretary and finance director were likely to leave the company if it retained its independence .
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