Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [be] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It applies whenever the defendant raises the defences of justification and fair comment , and will apply if the defence is to be qualified privilege unless the evidence of malice is so overwhelming that no reasonable jury would sustain the privilege .
2 Even when , sixteen years later in 1833 , he saw in trade unionism the instrument through which to establish industrial democracy , the change was to be painless , to steal upon the country unaware , ‘ like a thief in the night ’ .
3 For this reason , all documents which have standard terms and conditions on the reverse should have a clear statement on the front to the effect that the contract is to be subject to the terms and conditions on the reverse .
4 Expert clauses often provide that the decision is to be final and binding in the absence of manifest error .
5 The management of a firm by knowing the contribution from the next best opportunity could quickly determine the additional contribution if the constraint were to be relieved .
6 What mattered to the informed public in the late 1850s was whether the building was to be Gothic , Classical , Tudor , Italianate or an eclectic design .
7 If some or all of the payment is to be satisfied by the issue of shares , the purchaser must check whether it has sufficient authorised and issued share capital and whether the directors have adequate existing authority under CA 1985 , s80 .
8 In no sense are the responses unwelcome or unimportant ; however , if the assessment is to be formative , it is important to emphasise features relating to the requirements of the task ’ ( SEAC 1989 : 22 ) .
9 In fact , if the course is to be ready for the opening of the season a start will have to be made at once .
10 What I hope to gain on the course is to be able to speak more confidently and to get over the nerves .
11 As far as the new rent is concerned , options fall into four categories : ( 1 ) options to renew " at a rent to be agreed " : such options are void for uncertainty unless some provision is made for determination of the rent in default of agreement ( King 's Motors ( Oxford ) Ltd v Lax [ 1969 ] 3 All ER 665 ) or some provision is made for a minimum or a maximum rent ( Corson v Rhuddlan BC [ 1990 ] 1 EGLR 255 ) ; ( 2 ) options to renew at a rent to be determined in accordance with some stated formula , without any effective machinery for working it out : if necessary the court will supply the machinery in such cases ( Brown v Gould [ 1972 ] Ch 53 ) ; ( 3 ) options with machinery but no detailed formula : in such cases the court is likely to imply a term that the rent is to be fair and reasonable between the landlord and the tenant and will supply machinery for its determination ( Sudbrooke Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton [ 1982 ] 3 All ER 1 ) ; ( 4 ) options which provide both a formula and the machinery for working it out : the draftsman should attempt to make his draft fall into this category .
12 If the instrument is to be resonant the apparently solid finger board needs to be hollowed out from underneath , leaving about 6mm of wood top and sides and openings cut through the soundboard ( face ) to link this space to the interior of the instrument .
13 Rowe , the loyal Australian , stayed put , but a group of Australians whose influence on London and the underground was to be crucial had started the shift , including Neville , Sharp , and Germaine Greer .
14 Growing more acquisitive in the present , they prepared to disown the past ; the future was to be different , both for themselves and their children , and they had to run to catch up with it .
15 The key is to be prepared to wait a day or two if necessary , which is no bad thing as the North Rim is a beautiful spot in its own right .
16 The key is to be deliberate in your actions .
17 There are at least two situations where this is likely to occur : ( 1 ) where the aim in making the investment is to be ready to take advantage of a development if it occurs , and ( 2 ) where the investment is in the latest technology .
18 Wear clothes which are appropriate to the interview " conventionally this might be a business suit or smart sportswear , If the interview is to be on-site then usual working clothes will be more appropriate .
19 Let us assume that we already know the size of sample , the type of respondent ( child , housewife , air traveller , etc. ) , whether or not questions are to be asked on more than one occasion , whether there are likely to be seasonal fluctuations , whether the study is to be factual or attitudinal or both , and so on .
20 The Review is to be devoted to research " in all departments of its subject " .
21 If the search is to be successful , the user will learn about the subject and its literature during the searching process .
22 The effect was to be startling and highly visible .
23 The architecture is to be reminiscent of Dali 's floppy watches , Venuses with drawers and rubber pianos , while other surrealist props that crowd his paintings will inspire sculptures and park entertainments .
24 The contracts typically say that the decision of the expert is to be final and binding , and that is what the courts say it has to be , in the absence of fraud , partiality or mistake .
25 We 'll need all the cold we can get if the ice is to be firm enough for the plane to land . ’
26 If the work is to be comprehensive , thoroughly researched and well constructed it will take many years .
27 John 's address stressed that the Council was to be pastoral rather than dogmatic , thus distancing himself from his advisers , and endorsing the view , condemned by Cardinal Ruffini , that the task of the Council was not to proclaim new dogmas but to find new ways of expressing the old ( see Abbott , p. 710–19 ) .
28 If the reductivist is to be consistent , he will have to say not only that explicit existence claims are not a necessary constituent feature of a complete description of the world , but that explicit truth claims are n't either .
29 All the accountants in the case were said to be acting as experts and not as arbitrators , and the determination was to be final and binding for all purposes .
30 If the law is to be effective , the criminals must know that the chance of their being caught is high , as is the chance of their being convicted ; and that they are certain to receive a sentence that matches the severity of their crime .
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