Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 H R T contains es oestrogen , which is highly beneficial to older women at the change when they lose their natural supply .
2 Chuck 's parents have some pride and care about the upbringing that they give their child(ren) showing that it is Bob 's character that it as fault and that his attitude can not be blamed on his economical situation .
3 The intention of the plaintiffs was , to my mind , clear ; they expected to recover the money if they won their action .
4 The boys not scribing joined in by offering ideas and producing elaborate pictures , inventing new details to enliven the narrative as they developed their pictures .
5 The play moved over to the other side of the field and they stopped their conversation for a moment to follow it .
6 The wide , dry eyes followed them from the kitchen as they took their leave .
7 They have an arrangement with the University and they have their own buildings , and they collaborate with the people here , mostly in Engineering .
8 The womenfolk would no doubt be beside the wood stove , talking over the din of the roof as they did their needlework ; the men would be in the wool-shed , cleansing and grading the fleeces in time for the next lorry down to port .
9 And then , if somebody else clicks their fingers they be tha they become their enemy and the enemy if they click their fingers he becomes their enemy .
10 Because they , too , have a special relationship with a child 's mother — with its own areas of physical and emotional exclusivity — children have to give up the illusion that they own their mother , and so they must learn to share .
11 Despite Mrs Thatcher 's rhetoric , bribing people by way of tax allowances is the paternalistic state writ large ; taxpayers pick up considerable tax benefits on the condition that they spend their money in ways approved by the Government .
12 Richard 's fingers played with the card as he recalled their first meeting , 13 years ago , at Adam 's party .
13 There was nothing of apparent interest in the lavatory and they made their way into the robing vestry .
14 Most young drivers have spent very little time behind the wheel before they pass their test and in many cases , they 're the ones at fault when accidents happen .
15 Most of the towns were on or near the coast and they exploited their site advantages , capitalizing on their access to sea routes and on the fertile soils of their hinterlands .
16 He rather hauntingly characterises the life of the contemplative as a God-hunt and compares those hounds who see the hare and never weary of the chase until they have their quarry with those who run simply because others in the pack do so .
17 The girls became shrews and harridans : they screamed at the help and they smothered their children .
18 I did n't even wait for the curtain call and the audience must have seen me charging through the lobby as they made their way out .
19 It is sometimes said of bodies such as the CICB that they owe their existence to exercises of ‘ prerogative ’ power , but in this context , this means the same thing as saying that the body was not set up by statute .
20 As he had done in the first round , he reached the green and they got their par .
21 but that surprised the man in the queue and yet interestingly I think that and she said I was right in my assumption that that is part of the partnership philosophy of John Lewis that they work in partnership with their staff and in partnership with the community and they make their profit which is generated to start through the community which they sell to and therefore they quietly give back without wanting to play their own trumpets and in a sense I think that 's how it should be .
22 A stunned silence fell upon the room as they focused their attention on what they thought was princess Voluptua .
23 The uniformed officer did n't appreciate the joke and pushed Robinson out onto the landing where , already , a steady file of men were spilling from their cells , joining the long line on either side of the landing as they made their way to the toilets .
24 But there 's no doubt it 's the smelly ones which will be attracting all the attention when they make their appearance at the Chelsea Show .
25 Lady Street had returned to what must have been normal for any morning at this time ; the delivery vans had gone , there was sporadic traffic in the one-way street , and people had no time to stand about gawping at the bookshop though they slowed their pace in passing and tried to look in without appearing to do so .
26 ‘ They are still in the forest unless they left their horses and travelled by the paths .
27 ’ Athelstan tugged him by the sleeve and they made their way across the deserted bailey to the steps leading up to the parapet walk .
28 ‘ The lads were joking that I would be back in the team before they got their hands on the trophy , ’ said McGuinness .
29 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
30 Yet in The Rake 's Progress de Valois found something new to say about the ladies of the town when she made their leader kick off her shoes , pull up her long yellow skirt and roll down her red stockings before bursting barefooted into a riotous dance on a great salver .
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