Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pron] will be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A 4-1 defeat was marginally better than the 5-1 setback on Tuesday against the side who will be England 's key rivals for a semi-final place in their World Cup group in February .
2 The predicted demographic downturn will mean that in the future there will be labour and skills shortages for many organisations .
3 You may feel that as you make your notes immediately following the interview there will be points which you may like to clarify , particularly in a panel interview where different people may have formed different impressions .
4 Plans are under way to have a Fun Day around about mid-summers day — based in the hall there will be day-time attractions and a Bar-B-Que and dance in the evening .
5 Brutus compares Caesar to a snake and says that as it is bright day which brings forth the adder it will be Caesar 's crowning that would bring out his bad personality .
6 Under the Bill there will be problems deciding whether the matter has local or national significance .
7 Despite his pledge , he had to tell the nation it will be £37 billion in debt by April , compared to his Budget forecast of £28 billion .
8 Printed on the back of the letter there will be forms enabling the allottee to renounce , and the person to whom they are ultimately renounced to confirm that he accepts the renunciation and agrees to be entered on the register .
9 The equipment listed is for 50 windsurf guests in 1990 , but during the year there will be updates and replacements .
10 The equipment listed is for up to 40 windsurf guests in 1990 , but during the year there will be updates and replacements .
11 The key event of Gardens Year will be the opening in May of Biddulph Grange in Staffordshire , a unique Victorian garden which has been painstakingly restored by the Trust after years of neglect , but all over the country there will be talks , walks and gardening demonstrations , as well as music , picnic days , plants sales and the chance to quiz National Trust gardeners about your gardening problems .
12 This is being sponsored by Scotmid and to coincide with the display there will be horse drawn tours of the High Street , run in conjunction with Scotmid and using one of their working carriages .
13 " In a moment it will be time to give Mr Hopkins another half ounce of brandy , poor man , " sighed Miriam .
14 ‘ At first the pilots and navigators will mostly go their separate ways and concentrate on the subjects peculiar to their own calling , but after about a week they will be crewed-up — one pilot , one nav/observer , and one nav/plotter to a crew on the bomber side and a pilot and a navigator on the PR — and from then on will attend lectures and do drills as crew members .
15 Hopefully Rocky will be playing but I 've a feeling it will be Hodge .
16 And I 'm sure you 've had a bit of thought about it , I 'm glad you 're see it there er and the whole lot is a blessed mismatch , it 's nothing to do with us though I do thank you Mr for the help you wish to give me , the Duke of Westminster and the Duke of Rutland if this goes through as I said this today because without a doubt the government will listen to what you have to say and I 've no doubt it will be effect .
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