Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [pron] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In vain the poor jackal howled and shrieked to the tiger to stop , but the noise behind him only frightened the coward more .
2 Since the machine began to move towards the water as soon as they were inside , changing in its damp , smelly and retracted confines was none too easy , despite the lure of their newly acquired bathing costumes .
3 But the loss of one simply paved the way for the loss of the other .
4 This would inevitably imply the end of our Westminster Parliament in any real sense and the loss of our freedom to decide our political , economic and social priorities and , with it , the loss of our hard won democratic system .
5 In what follows , we shall narrow the scope of the term to something more adapted to the present purpose .
6 And as the market process unfolds , with one period of market ignorance followed by another in which ignorance has been somewhat reduced , each buyer or seller revises his bids and offers in the light of his newly acquired knowledge of the alternative opportunities which those to whom he may wish to sell , or from whom he may wish to buy , can expect to find available elsewhere in the market .
7 Dawn is well qualified for her new role — before joining Courtaulds she was involved in two car fires and came to the aid of her partially sighted father when a fire broke out in his kitchen .
8 From the evidence in city museums , artists among the early settlers brought their European attitudes with them too and , failing the innocent eye test , also failed to interpret the essence of their new found environment , while those who subsequently practised the new styles of modern art in the early decades of this century did so with the same little effect .
9 Photographs of a mother and her three daughters , aged 10 , seven and three , have been etched in the marble of one almost finished grave .
10 An ant-lion larva lies in wait at the bottom of its specially constructed pit .
11 LENNY KRAVITZ has recruited both SEAN ONO LENNON and GUNS N' ROSES guitarist SLASH to record the follow-up to his critically acclaimed ‘ Let Love Rule ’ LP .
12 Pleased with the insouciance in her carefully modulated tone , Gina gave him a polished smile .
13 In fact he was so attracted to the canal with its brightly painted barges pulled by strong horses that his parents finally had to forbid him to go there in case he had another accident .
14 Yasmin said the reaction to her new found fame had been startling .
15 The former Highland League player , who also played for Leicester City , Motherwell and Rangers , is now in the midst of his longest run in the first team at Tynecastle .
16 The rest of his team mates were hardly conspicuous in their greatness , the team lost three goals and conceded the match to their massively underestimated opponents .
17 Having carefully observed the moon through his newly invented telescope , Galileo was able to report that the moon was not a smooth sphere but that its surface abounded in mountains and craters .
18 ‘ She invited my friend ; we … the rest of us just tagged along . ’
19 But it was its political and artistic daring , enhanced by the most attractively human of values , that the rest of us so admired — ‘ those little films ’ , someone very accurately said , ‘ which are , as if by accident , important . ’
20 The advantage of the public law model is that it facilitates the achievement of the statutory purposes and the development of one clearly understood set of general rules and principles .
21 take over and conduct in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , the defence or settlement of any claim
22 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
23 take over and conduct in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , the defence or settlement of any claim
24 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
25 We will take this action in your name or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy .
26 We will take this action in your name or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy .
27 We will take this action in your name or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy .
28 We will take this action in your name or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy .
29 They had worked together for several years and the elder of them readily agreed to help supply the other 's son if he went into hiding in the woods above Eastertyre .
30 There the evidence before him merely disclosed that the defendants whilst being employed by the plaintiffs simply made plans or preparations for their future post termination activities .
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