Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [conj] take " in BNC.

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1 The great Florenz Ziegfeld saw the forty-eight Girls in the Folies-Bergère in Paris and took them under contract for a six month spell into his own Follies which he extended to three years .
2 It has been estimated that in a narrow clinical sense the Famine probably accounted for under 15 per cent of the extra mortality recorded at the height of the disaster in Saratov in 1921–2 : but in a broader sense , including deaths due to severe malnutrition and other causes , the Famine contributed to most of the rise in mortality that took place before the 1922 harvest .
3 She sniffed as she put down the parcel of books and took off her gloves , and sniffed again as Maxie sank back on his bench , relieved that his beautiful black Cadillac was intact .
4 He moved back to the chest of drawers and took down the photograph of Tatyana Nowak and her husband on Westminster Bridge .
5 Historians have correctly pointed out that to understand the kind of exchange that took place between Huxley and Wilberforce it is important to recognize that a major social transformation was taking place in which the clergy were losing their domination of the intellectual life of the nation .
6 The Status software programme was designed to avoid the kind of accident that took place at Three Mile Island in the US , where shift workers faced with a breakdown in equipment switched to substitute systems , unaware that they had been taken out of service by a previous system .
7 As the level of delegation increased , so too had the level of consultation that took place in order to identify and prioritise spending needs , although the degree of consultation varied greatly from one school to another .
8 the illusion of progress and takes away thought
9 They took desultory notes throughout the succession of witnesses that took the stand , They were profoundly bored .
10 Rennie later got out of the car with Marita and took her to a house on London Road in Gloucester where the couple had previously lived together .
11 Since Sudan came into existence as a separate state under British colonial control at the end of the nineteenth century , the north has tended to dominate , to be the seat of government and to take economic and political precedence over the south .
12 Mark the hemline with chalk and take one side as the centre leading edge ( AE ) , then measure up along AE from hemline to mark the finished length .
13 However in England , the evidential burden on the prosecution may not be any greater than it is under Categories 1 and 2 in many of the situations which they cover , for , as Glanville Williams has pointed out : ‘ If the prosecution gives evidence that violence was used , this should be enough to discharge the evidential burden on the issue of consent and take the case to the jury …
14 This might well involve getting to the bottom of disputes and taking disciplinary action if necessary , but never forget your real aim is to keep things running .
15 Their limited aim was to support the efforts of the law against Communism and to take on the job themselves where those efforts were inadequate .
16 We are committed to putting money and people into the sort of programmes that take a long time to make .
17 The inquest which followed proved to be an intensive training ground for the young Hearn and she emerged strong and more confident , with the sort of knowledge that takes years to acquire .
18 This form of romanticism becomes not only reactionary , therefore , but conducive to the sort of fascism that took root in Europe in the twentieth century .
19 This means that despite the precise route being available to only one of the interlocutors , the shared knowledge and context , especially in terms of the goal to be achieved , allows the sort of negotiation that takes place in everyday communication .
20 As a result the right of hunting and taking game was reserved by statute for the upper classes .
21 Indeed , the redistribution of boundaries that took place in 1948 was reckoned in the subsequent elections to have cost the Labour Party between twenty and forty seats .
22 This goal is tempered by the pursuit of other social goals , such as donating corporate funds to charity , supporting community projects , promoting the welfare of employees and taking steps to prevent pollution beyond those required by straightforward compliance with the law .
23 After a further Expert Group had met , unusually for an Asian-African body , in The Hague with participation from the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference , the Arab League and the Commonwealth Secretariat , a Model for Bilateral Agreement for the Service of Process and Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters was adopted at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Committee in 1986 .
24 McAllister or Strach would feed it out to Sharp ( who was absolutely brill — see below ) who would either wait for the overlap from Dorigo or take on Breacker ( skinning him most of the time ) .
25 Young caterpillars are very small and either graze along the surface of leaves or take tiny bites from the edges of young leaves .
26 ‘ As long as someone has n't parked on the patch of paint and taken it all away on their tyres . ’
27 They walked briskly into the block of flats and took the lift to the eighth floor .
28 Di Tella took a personal interest in the lives of his workers , giving gifts at weddings and on the birth of children and taking responsibility for the health and welfare of the workers and their families .
29 At the same time , samples of blood and tissue from the donor are sent to the centre for tests that take four or five hours .
30 He was contemptuous towards the United Nations , critical of the operation of the western alliance , and hostile to supranationalist tendencies in Europe ( even though , for pragmatic reasons , he had honoured the Treaty of Rome and taken France into the Common Market ) .
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