Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] been [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We at Halpern and Woolf believe the recession has been with us for some months already ; the C B I takes the same view and they 're pressing for interest rate reductions now to restore business confidence .
2 The Archdeacon did not , diplomatically , point out that the Bishop had not consulted Lord Dersingham when the living had been in his gift .
3 The plan had been for his son ( Frederick William ) Robin ( born 1936 ) , who succeeded as third earl and was himself the author of an excellent life of William Wilberforce [ q.v. ] , to complete it .
4 The boy had been in his tutelage now for two and a half years , closer far to him than to his own Lancaster kin .
5 The boy has been in my custody since November .
6 In the course of these policies , one or the other restrictive practice has been singled out as the root cause of our ills — resale price maintenance , clearing banks ' cartel , trade unions — the cry has been for their removal .
7 The picture had been before her eyes every day of her life , and consequently had no meaning .
8 The chemistry had been between them from the start , waiting only for a wayward spark to ignite it .
9 The title had been in her family for generations , and her family appealed against the early Middle Ages ruling which bans women from being Freemen .
10 Frederick Montague gave evidence to the Commissioners that no Court of Attachment or Swanimote had been held in Salcey Forest since he became Ranger , ‘ and I doubt whether such Courts have been held ever since the Rangership has been in my Family , which is about 120 years ’ .
11 Did n't smell very strong the top 's been off it .
12 The point has been well put by Vivien Hart in comparing American and British approaches : " In America , " she wrote , " the emphasis has been on what democracy is and should be , while Britain has been characterised by a more pragmatic and less urgent emphasis on what democracy is and can be . "
13 ‘ Most of the yard has been ill , and the ground has been against us .
14 In July 1990 , after lengthy legal proceedings , the House of Lords had ruled that the government had been within its rights in April in " charge-capping " 21 local authorities ( i.e. setting reduced limits on their expenditure for 1990/91 and fixing maximum levels for their community charge ) .
15 All of the external verifiers selected to participate in the pilot have been through our induction training and have considerable experience in external verification .
16 It is again referring to the needless deaths of youths and Owen 's emotional feelings for the subject having been through it all himself .
17 The thought had been inside her ever since he had spoken , though she had continually pushed it away .
18 The trouble is that since Chilcott 's dismissal for punching , players in the county have been on their best behaviour .
19 He had filled his pockets with stones , but the drama of the landscape had been beyond his understanding .
20 Because the company has been on its present site for over a century it recognises its responsibilities to the environment and to the local community .
21 The prisoner has been at his own trial and he already knows , or has had access to , all the evidence and all that was said .
22 If the murderer had been before him , that would be truth .
23 No train had been past him and his fogs were out .
24 The interior was probably quite well furnished in the ordinary way , but right now it looked as if a tornado had been through it .
25 It looks like it 's been on the M twenty five on a Friday night , and every tyre 's been over it .
26 It looked as though a grader had been over it just before the Amazonian rains had spilled over the Andes .
27 Every mother 's been through it — a toddler screaming on the supermarket floor .
28 He stated that a man with an accent had been to his shop at about 1.30pm on 22 June .
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