Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] out of the " in BNC.

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1 finally , when both my parents were away somewhere , I took the opportunity to draw out of the Post Office bank all the very modest amount of money that people had given me on special occasions like my christening .
2 We now have the opportunity to move out of the hotel and to rent the house of a Professor of Biology , and thus to save on the high cost of the hotel .
3 A.3.2 If the Vendor notifies the Purchaser of a ‘ breach ’ prior to completion but the Purchaser decides to proceed nonetheless ( ie he does not rescind ) then the Vendor should not still remain liable for damages ; the Purchaser has foregone the opportunity to get out of the deal if he does not like it any more .
4 He added : ‘ It seems a bit of a nonsense to struggle to provide a good service and then for compensation awarded by the Ombudsman to come out of the money provided for the work in the first place . ’
5 I wonder how Manzoni must have felt as he gazed out of his window at the Palazzo Belgioioso and the comings and goings of Prince Albercio ; the Prince rode out of the square each day on a horse , dressed in a bright general 's uniform , in order to review the private bodyguard he equipped and maintained .
6 This week the company went into receivership and the heart went out of the British fashion industry .
7 7.6.2 Subject to the provisions of clauses 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 the Landlord shall as soon as the Permissions have been obtained or immediately where no Permissions are required apply all money received in respect of such insurance ( except sums in respect of loss of Rent ) in rebuilding or reinstating the Premises or the Retained Parts so destroyed or damaged [ making up any difference between the cost of rebuilding and reinstating and the money received out of the Landlord 's own money ] It is important to include the words in square brackets in order to ensure that the damaged or destroyed premises are reinstated .
8 Well as I say I mean we 're doing very well and all the money and , and you know , ninety percent of the money comes out of the the er the members ' pockets really I mean ev even the sub for the open show , we put out a lot of that even the stuff and things like this , so we do provide an awful lot of money .
9 The case arose out of the Executive Agreement concluded between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran which led to the eventual release of the hostages detained in Tehran from November 1979 to January 1981 .
10 The case arises out of the death of fourteen year old activist , Stompie Moeketsi .
11 ‘ Old Mother Walsh , ’ Pike said again , ‘ let not the snake come out of the sky ! ’
12 Small wonder our society is so schizophrenic — because the minute the clerk walks out of the store , she or he is immediately bombarded with messages which are in total contradiction to those they receive as employees .
13 The decision to opt out of the requirement to scrummage changed the whole nature of the game .
14 Given the decision to opt out of the social charter in Europe can the Prime Minister confirm that he is planning to fight the next general election on the slogan ’ Vote Tory for the lowest wages , least consultation and worst employment protection in Europe ’ ?
15 It is not good practice simply to leave the cable poking out of the wall , and many wall light fittings will not have space in their backing plate to make the connections .
16 But before I had finished this wearisome task , the cheque arrived out of the blue .
17 Someone more thoughtful than the rest had ordered to be shut the big river gates that were at the point where the Ankh flowed out of the twin city .
18 I left Bainbridge by the lane leading out of the village from the Post Office .
19 As its fiery twigs flashed out and cut into the inky cloud , the thunder rolled out of the west .
20 The words which I have read are plain : it was Mr. Vanbergen who said he was going down to Eastbourne , that he was going down as part of his business , and that he did not think he would be getting back after his business on Thursday in time to pay it on Thursday , and the concession arose out of the question whether or not the debtor could be back in town in time to bring it himself , because he frankly said he was trying to get a little more time .
21 During the afternoon meeting , several breaks were called to allow discussions between the various groupings to examine the three motions on the table : a strong attack on the MPs , calling on the executive not to endorse their actions ; a motion regretting their action , and the successful statement welcoming the concession wrung out of the Westminster system and pledging support for the parliamentary group .
22 Here , the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares may be used instead to the extent of the lesser of the company 's share premium account ( including any premium on the fresh issue ) and the amount of the premium on the original issue ( in which case the company 's share premium account will be reduced by a sum equal to the payment made out of the proceeds of the fresh issue ) ( s160(2) ) .
23 The driver leaned out of the window and shouted at the lad , sounded his horn twice , then drove on .
24 The driver got out of the car .
25 A car slows down and the driver leans out of the window — ‘ Hey , are you Me Phi Me ?
26 The greatest change in IBM 's culture , I believe , came about as the PC grew out of the typewriter in the seventies — when IBM , to achieve necessary volumes , had to let non-IBM people begin selling its PCs .
27 But now the fight went out of the family : ‘ What would you do ?
28 Starting perhaps at the bottom where the trunk comes out of the earth or grass .
29 My supper flapped off round the corner in a storm of feathers with the blood coming out of the side of its beak .
30 When the Nationalists won only one seat at the general election of 1970 , the tension went out of the argument .
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