Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun] are [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 We may , in fact , reinterpret any of the diagrams of Figs ( 2.25 ) -(2.31) by assuming that the whole space is filled with a material of conductivity unc and the field lines are now the lines of current flow as well .
2 The speed humps are not the solution to the problem of speeding .
3 He does not , however , retract his proposal that the precepts of the imagist manifesto are still the best rules of thumb for ‘ the neophyte ’ , the beginner in his ‘ prentice-work ; and for what it is worth my own experience in the workshop certainly bears that out .
4 Yet the tax consequences are essentially the same .
5 The platform carbonates are probably the most important reservoir in the Zechstein and most gas production comes from these sediments .
6 The selection factors are presumably the same , crabs will always take wide-mouthed shells first and elongated shells must always be more vulnerable to wave action : selection produces different results because it is operating on genetically different populations .
7 But in fact , the egg cells are quite the most likely place for the cycle to occur — because egg cells go through a phase of very high and relatively indiscriminate transcriptional activity when numerous RNA copies are made of a great deal of DNA including some of the Alu sequences .
8 And that is why we are now taking this direct route of saying , that policy and resources , as the policy making body of this council , should have some input to make sure that we in the planning committee are not the situation on a planning application when instead we deal with the moral issue of turning away people who need homes .
9 Tipperary after local opposition , saying the Raybestos case was worse as the Ovens objectors were trying to force changes after the statutory period for planning objections had long passed : ‘ Foreign companies coming to this country and adhering to our planning conditions will begin wondering if they can go ahead at all if they see the assurances of the IDA and the planning authorities are not the final assurances . ’
10 So you come up behind it so that your body and the striker 's ball , that being your red ball and the other ball , the object ball are always the same straight line I mean it does n't matter whether you come in from the side you 're walking up to it in a straight line put your mallet down , swing it through .
11 It is not surprising to find that the widespread species have been used extensively to correlate rocks between different continents — they form the standard for the Silurian period , where the graptolite faunas are nearly the same all over the world .
12 In other public sector organizations which adopt the cash basis of accounting , the capital accounts are essentially the same as the revenue accounts although the two are kept separately .
13 The Radio Beacons are usually the designated points at which routine position reports are made .
14 The box excursions are merely the six XYZ maximum/minimum extents values which correspond to the parts enclosing box ; again , these are held in assembly/sub-assembly coordinates .
15 Italy is undergoing a peaceful but nonetheless dramatic revolution at the moment , of which the corruption trials are only the most startling and internationally reported aspect .
16 The draft orders are again the subject of consultation , following which parliamentary approval turns them into legal binding requirements .
17 In remote parts of the world buses are often the only means of covering long distances .
18 The land boundaries are probably the easiest of all .
19 Of the two , the bivalve molluscs are much the most significant in the sea today .
20 The school stories are still the major fodder of the magazine , if only because it is something universal to everyone in this country .
21 The most notorious poisoners of the animal world are certainly the snakes .
22 He seems totally inflexible and unwilling to negotiate any variation of the arrangements proposed and ca n't appreciate that the banking needs of a parish council are not the same as those of a sweet shop !
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