Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun] [conj] even a " in BNC.

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1 Fergie has been saying that he was so concerned about my life-style away from football he called in Sir Matt Busby , the club doctor and even a parish priest to try to get me sorted out .
2 But now everyone in Faringdon has a folly dining room , there 's the folly pub and even a folly newspaper , but there 's only one folly tower .
3 Now , offices , the County Hall and even a car park make a bigger impact but the prison retains its huge central site .
4 Anything beyond hope is identified for its metal type and dispatched for shredding — the iron going on to steel mills , the non-ferrous metals to smelting pans , perhaps for reincarnation as a Ford gearbox or even a domestic dustbin and lid .
5 Here he creates the many happy and not so happy incidents that can occur on a skating rink where even a professional can ‘ miss a trick ’ .
6 When we went ashore , the transport was not always an air-conditioned coach but sometimes a rickety taxi , a horse cab or even a farm trailer hauled by a tractor .
7 The facilities offered by this fine hotel range from a choice of restaurants and bars to a shopping village and even a resident tennis coach .
8 Basically , all you need to grow flowers for pressing is a window sill or even a grow-bag !
9 A hawfinch has such a powerful bill that with straightforward muscle power it can crack a cherry stone or even an olive pit .
10 There 's not a lecture theatre or even a student bar in sight … but this is the way De Montfort University in Milton Keynes and Leicester hopes to trawl the best of undergraduates
11 There 's a sofa and armchair , a writing table , music from a threechannel radio and even a telephone to keep in touch with the landlubbers back home .
12 What matters is that a limitation has been set ; and now if a child brings out a gun , a knife , a rope ladder or even a box of matches you can check with the list and then either stay in role and say " You may have meant to bring that rope ladder , but it 's not here " , or come out of role and discuss the agreed rules of the drama , one of which is perhaps that in this drama there is no recourse to magic .
13 All because she did n't have the money to buy a plane ticket or even a bus ticket .
14 By common consent , it is the prettiest of Scotland 's west coast villages and , although small , is well endowed with a large modern school serving a wide area , a railway station and even an airfield .
15 A small apple tree , a garden pea or even a strawberry plant pass through various stages during spring and summer and children can look for the first appearance of leaves and flowers and fruit .
16 Best distinction is song , more like Skylark and Short-toed Lark ( p 201 ) , and still more mimetic , delivered either in a fluttering circular display flight , followed by an earthward plummet or , rather more often than Crested Lark , from a bush top or even a tree ; call sometimes disyllabic .
17 Sometimes one school will have a set policy and even a policy statement on homework while another will leave it to the individual whim of the teacher .
18 Accused in the press of fomenting counter-revolution , Zhao Ziyang remains a party member and even a delegate to the National People 's Congress ( though in March he tactfully begged leave ‘ not to attend ’ ) .
19 A hat was all right or an instrument case or even a scarf with knotted corners .
20 There are many commercial interests in Kyle and constant activity along the coastline : there are hotels , banks , shops , an information centre and even a gasholder to remind urban visitors of the life they have left .
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