Example sentences of "[art] [adj] of [pron] was the " in BNC.

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1 Before picking out a few of the research findings , which highlight short-comings , I should say that there was a great deal to commend and admire about the response to the Act from individual schools and authorities in very difficult circumstances , not the least of which was the failure of central government to provide any additional resources .
2 Very likely there was a general cut in wages brought about by a combination of causes , not the least of which was the loss of an employer who may very well have paid premium rates in order to attract and retain labour ; in any case the living standards of the cloth workers had fallen sharply by 1524 , and with them those of the farm labourers of the other villages in the district .
3 These illnesses — bronchitis and then emphysema being the most prominent — recurred throughout the Fifties and were provoked by a number of causes , not the least of which was the fact that Eliot was still a heavy smoker .
4 Again fortune favoured him with the death of the Empress in November 1198 and his wardship of the young Frederick II which allowed him advantages denied to his predecessors , not the least of which was the opportunity to build a stronger Papal State .
5 But her very virtues carried their own faults , and not the least of them was the possibility of her being upset by matters she could not understand .
6 Philip the Fair 's interventions in the 1290s were still guided and determined by the appeals of the allegedly wronged and disaffected vassals of the magnates , the greatest of whom was the king-duke of Aquitaine .
7 Clones isolated from the original cDNA library , the longest of which was the 2.6kb cDNA 14–6 ( Fig. 1 a ) , hybridized under high stringency to all 25 of the subcloned cDNAs originating from the 20-kb genomic region of cosmids 1B2 , 2F10 and 1G5 .
8 I do n't know which of the three of us was the more childishly involved in its decoration .
9 But the worst of it was the paintings .
10 The first of them was the Breton Louison Bobet , who rode into Paris at the head three times running from 1953–5 .
11 The new youth movement found its most dramatic expression in the religious brigades , the first of which was the Boys ' Brigade ( BB ) , founded by William Smith in Glasgow in 1883 , followed by the Church Lads ' Brigade ( CLB ) in 1891 , and the Boys ' Life Brigade ( BLB ) in 1899 .
12 There had been some very successful case-managed projects- the first of which was the Kent community care projects The evaluative work of David Challis and Bledyyn Davies shows that case management with devolved budgets , giving field workers much more responsibility to over resources can be very , very successful on almost every criterion .
13 WGOL achieved three turn-arounds in April for BP dedicated vessels , the first of which was the MV Rioni on 16 April .
14 He also returned to television , with two ITV plays , the first of which was The Move After Checkmate .
15 on the thing and I said well he 'll have to be fucking stretched if they come to that door and none of them dishes and the best of it was the front door would n't open
16 And then i , but the best of it was the other day we
17 Taylor now held a succession of clerical appointments , the last of which was the benefice of Halton Holgate in Lincolnshire , 1921 .
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