Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] at a time " in BNC.

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1 That bombshell , coming from the Labour party at a time when Nottinghamshire miners are continually breaking production records , shows Labour 's lack of faith in and support for the coal industry , and why Nottinghamshire miners abandoned socialism in 1985 .
2 Their struggles on the streets of Britain during the riots of 1981 restored the public peace at a time when it looked as though the ‘ thin blue line ’ was all that stood between turmoil and a still nascent Thatcherite revolution .
3 The country as well as Mr Major are very fortunate to have such a safe pair of hands at the Foreign Office at a time when the vital question of Britain 's future within the European Union is still being determined .
4 As a further precaution , the addresses of Israeli staff were not printed in official diplomatic lists for fear of encouraging the impulsive gesture at a time when Israel was being a little hard to take .
5 He was national vice-chairman in 1990–91 before serving as chairman the following year at a time of great change in the Association .
6 This finding was fully supported by the evidence of Dr. G. , a consultant psychiatrist specialising in anorexia nervosa , who examined W. on the instructions of the Official Solicitor at a time when he was acting as W. 's guardian ad litem .
7 It was agreed that only ten people should tramp round the tiny cottage at a time ; the remainder were forced to mingle with the morning shoppers and then to walk on to the old St Mary 's Chapel , which once had held the shrine of Our Lady of Bradstow and to which passing ships would lower their sails in honour .
8 By removing 2 million homes from the rented sector at a time when families are becoming smaller , the Government have left young people with nowhere to go .
9 Of large build and possessed of ritual mannerisms when facing the bowling , his technique was founded in the securest of defence , and , although he was a shrewd placer of the ball , it was perhaps his seeming doggedness that left him out of the international reckoning at a time when England possessed several middle-order batsmen of sterling class .
10 If the Russians do arrive on this scale it will be the largest single wave of what Israelis call aliya ( literally ‘ ascent ’ ) since the immediate post independence years in the early 1950s , a heady return to the heart of the Zionist idea at a time when the country — still fighting the Palestinian uprising , on a permanent war footing and its economy slipping into recession — is far from ready .
11 The first arose from the government 's decision to impose a standstill grant for that year — in effect a reduction in the District 's planned programme in the 1952–53 session at a time when much patient work to gain support from trade union branches and members had succeeded particularly in Norwich and Northamptonshire .
12 To meet fully matured politicians of the higher quality at a time when I was still young enough to sharpen my wits on their arguments and dialectics was a real — and in my case an undeserved — pleasure .
13 Known as the White Polled in the late nineteenth century , the breed was then described as quiet and gentle , similar in size and growth rate to the Red Poll at a time when the few existing white herds were found mainly in Norfolk and Suffolk .
14 Fujimori 's visit — the first to be made by a Peruvian president — was also interpreted as a sign of greater flexibility , with Fujimori referring to the prohibitive financial costs of fortifying the disputed area at a time of economic crisis .
15 These are a relic of the independent existence of Medieval Serbia when this territory was of great importance in the Balkan Peninsula at a time when the Byzantine Empire was at a low ebb .
16 It is perhaps not without significance that Wulfhere 's queen was Eormenhild , daughter of Eorcenberht , king of Kent ( 640–4 ) , a marriage probably intended to bring the Mercians more closely into association with the Anglo-Frankish world of the Kentish court at a time when their kingdom was being Christianized under Wulfhere .
17 But Cooper was unfortunate to appear before the disciplinary committee at a time when it was under increasing pressure to eradicate the high , late tackle that has been such a scar on the game this season .
18 Of course Castro 's stand , far from being just one of principle , was an attempt to enforce his claims on the Soviet Union at a time when the security of his revolution had never been more seriously threatened .
19 Mr Goodenough says he 's looking forward to the new post at a time when complaints against the police have increased .
20 These courses are a very important initiative not just for this diocese but for the whole country at a time when we need to find new ways of helping lay people and priests to work together in furthering the mission of the church .
21 Fifty thousand pounds extra for the voluntary sector at a time when a recession , when so called but completely un care in the community is putting a tremendous burden of responsibility both on the voluntary sector and on we know what a good job the voluntary sector do in this city thousand pounds is a small proportion of the money that they are actually requesting from us .
22 The court has before it two appeals which raise the same point of law , that is to say , can a child who is born alive , but suffering from disabilities occasioned by negligence on the part of the proposed defendant at a time when the child was en ventre sa mère and unborn , maintain an action for damages for negligence against the defendant .
23 They are entering the strange world of the Christian church at a time of high emotional stress and may encounter what sounds like a foreign language .
24 Consequently , you need to build and send a complete line at a time .
25 Such a title , and a book written by a political figure at a time of great controversy …
26 Fourteen points put Master James eighth in the championship and Hesketh made of him a public figure , a British hope at a time when Graham Hill , Mike Hailwood and others were fading from the scene and Jackie Stewart was about to retire .
27 The legislature 's vote was an embarrassment for Mr Kravchuk , but it has left Ukraine with a paralysed government at a time when the country must react swiftly if it is to survive increased prices for Russian fuel .
28 The legislative changes have given this a further momentum at a time when , says Mr Harrison , ‘ there is a greater awareness among fund managers that this is a growing sector ’ .
29 In those days , Robinson was in the side mainly because he was a willing workhorse at a time when Yorkshire did not have a surfeit of senior fast bowlers .
30 Both were in some respects political outsiders who came to power during a breakdown of ‘ normal ’ party politics and exercised a personal leadership at a time of national crisis .
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