Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] that have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Maxim touched the outside of his right thigh ; through the thin cotton trousers he could trace the hard-edged crater that had come close to killing him , out in the desert hours from real medical aid .
2 ‘ I think this is the nicest thing that 's happened to me in England , ’ said Julia with real contentment .
3 To a packed , silent hall , Lou talked in the measured monotone that has detailed the tragic inhabitants of his last three albums .
4 I have enjoyed reading all your letters and look forward to continuing the two-way communication that has developed over the past year .
5 Robertson was speaking about professional pride as opposed to wallowing in excessive sentimentality when he catalogued the reasons why there was only eager anticipation of the friendly fixture that has taken on a hostile look since injury decimated Roxburgh 's initial choice of players .
6 Pamela had n't been to the tiny next-door island for years but she remembered its wild , deserted beaches , its spectacular rocky promontories , the surprising wheat fields among the rocky landscape that had given the island its name .
7 They did not see that the rampant nationalism that had brought Presidents Tudjman and Milosevic to power would so fan the flames of separatism and so reawaken the enmities of 50 years or more , that the compromise that might well have been possible earlier this year and which the European Foreign Ministers have since tried to impose has now become impossible .
8 On the other hand it is difficult to argue that the Revolution resolved the major issues that had been sources of political tension since the Restoration , and it certainly did not restore the political consensus that had eluded the nation in 1660 .
9 Many , particularly of the younger generation , had become disillusioned not only with the war , but also with the political system that had produced it .
10 In the British context of the 1980s the political project that has come to be identified as ‘ Thatcherism ’ has commonly been seen as an attempt to legitimate both the reintegration of a restructured British economy into the global economy and the revision of the relationship between the state and civil society that the preferred version of restructuring required .
11 The Tynes , perched in their multitudes on the hand-carved cart that had lain cherished and unused in their garage .
12 By this time I was becoming a little dissatisfied with the imprinting set-up that had become the stock in trade of my lab over the past few years , and I planned to try using an alternative form of learning in the chick .
13 A woman , leaning lightly on an ebony and silver cane , was rising slowly from the depths of the high-backed chair that had hidden her from view .
14 But Lord Dacre was not thinking of the odd circumstance that had resulted in his stepping into his cousin 's shoes .
15 And if you also look the most the the the clearest change that 's happened on the outside of this building , if you look at that window , if you if you follow the edge of the window the original window came all the way down to this point , and then across and up , and this has been all blocked up .
16 They came together with pride and passion , each glorying in the belief that Hans Christian Andersen had been right and that their fairy-tale had indeed been written by the fingers of God and come to fruition in the Enchanted Garden that had captured the heart of a city .
17 Meeting Arnold Palmer has been the greatest thing that has happened to me .
18 The technical trick that has made cheap laser-printers possible has also brought type design and typesetting to a far wider market .
19 She screwed a pair of gold hoops into her earlobes , moistened her lips and pasted on the impersonal smile that had served her so well during her months on the catwalk .
20 The spread of nationalism into rural areas also reflected the economic transformation that had taken place since 1967 .
21 The political reality is that Connecticut is suffering from the economic slowdown that has hit most of the north-east .
22 The economic disaster that has befallen Mongolia over the past two years ( see chart ) has emboldened diehards in the Mongolian People 's Revolutionary Party ( the old communist party ) , which holds 70 of the 76 seats in parliament , to try rolling back reform .
23 There are two important points to note about the economic project that has run alongside the exercises in political legitimation in the imagined space of the inner city .
24 Since 1961 , it has happened 17 times in 31 seasons , or over half : a remarkable proportion given the economic imbalance that has developed already within English football during the last 31 years .
25 The agricultural base that had offered wealth and apparent stability to Sussex life was steadily weakened in the course of the eighteenth century .
26 The man ignored her , and she cursed the professional thoroughness that had led the florist to de-thorn the blooms .
27 ‘ His have been the brains behind the team , his the directing skill that has paved the way to success .
28 Gazza had to call a halt before a 46,000 crowd here in the Olympic Stadium when a challenge from Mario Bortolazzi stretched the right knee that has undergone two major operations .
29 He was older , pale-skinned and looked too thin to be a welterweight , but the right cross that had put his younger opponent down had belied his looks .
30 When parents exclude children from their own grief it can make the child feel that the awful event that has taken place is a punishment for which they are in part responsible .
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