Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [be] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is not always easy to balance challenges and skills even when working with a single child on a relatively straightforward task ; for these class teachers working with mixed ability groups in settings where the normal practice was for several different tasks in different curriculum areas to be undertaken simultaneously , an adequate balance between challenges and skills throughout the group had to remain an aspiration rather than an achievement .
2 Yes , the basement is for those who fail , the lower basement is for those failures who blame their failure on their supporters .
3 The administrative budget was for some RF26,000 million , a reduction in real terms over the previous year , and the investment budget stood at RF14,320,000 , of which some RF5,500 million came from domestic financing and the remainder ( 61 per cent ) from external sources .
4 The abolition of the tied cottage was for many years the notorious ‘ hardy annual ’ of TUC and Labour Party conferences but reform of the system was pushed persistently aside .
5 The usual pattern was for all to congregate in Minton 's studio where he might cook a large risotto after which they went to a film .
6 However , that imposition simultaneously reveals how , without linguistic knowledge to explain the distinction , the enforced recognition is for many teachers a traumatic experience .
7 probably the sensible course is for most books to be ordered sight unseen , with the occasional title requested ‘ on approval ’ when it is thought that seeing the book would be helpful .
8 As we have noted in Lecture l , the ‘ no government ’ economy is a purely hypothetical construct , and several writers ( e.g. , Prest , 1968 ) have argued that the global comparison is for this reason of little interest .
9 what the overall overhead is for this organization , in terms of people
10 The following advice is for those working in a group ( the above is of course applicable also for groups ) :
11 The official aim is for all countries to take a critical look at their own communications policies and to help the developing nations improve theirs .
12 Although the human operator is for many purposes within ergonomics appropriately considered as a mere information processing device , any design issue must be considered in the context that these human operators are individuals and citizens within communities .
13 Even without insisting on the strict claim that inference from fact to value is logically inadmissible , a claim which since Hume has been a commonplace , and after G. E. Moore 's analysis of the Naturalistic Fallacy was for some time an orthodoxy , it has been convenient to stay out of range of standard criticisms by showing that we can get along well enough without resorting to this kind of inference .
14 We were well aware of the problems facing us in the future , and the pressing need was for more and more information about the operations of the big smuggling syndicates .
15 The wobbly clamour was for more , and now they 're going into full production .
16 The first way is for each department to make its own plans without much regard to the others .
17 The spiritual plane is for all the great religions inseparable from the physical and psychological ways in which it manifests itself and becomes known by us , but yet it is truly distinguishable .
18 If your business is larger it takes more organisation and record keeping to know what the magic formula is for each customer .
19 The main requirement is for each degree of differentiation to be clearly demarcated from others in the eyes of buyers and for each firm to be the lowest-cost producer within each category .
20 And maybe the whole agony was for this
21 The third choice is for each house ( or pair of houses ) to have its own soakaway — this is simply a hole in the ground filled with bricks or rubble , into which the rainwater is taken and out of which it will slowly disperse .
22 If I can find whoever the senior organizer is for each conference , or whoever is doing the introductory talk ,
23 For a statute or a past decision poses problems of consistency in strategy only when it has assigned people legal rights that a judge forming a new rule is for some reason powerless to change , rights that would work badly with the new rights he wants to create .
24 A suitable compromise is for both parties to rely on the opinion of a leading Queen 's Counsel as to whether or not and to what extent the purchaser 's claim is likely to succeed .
25 One easy way of finding an acceptable language is for both of you to separately say or write down words you are happy with and words you do n't like .
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