Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] [conj] take " in BNC.

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1 McIver ( 1987 ) describes that in retailing customers were persuaded to forgo the service provided by the friendly corner store and take on the labour of pushing trolleys around supermarkets because they made gains through cheaper prices and a wider choice of goods .
2 She thanked the driver , lifted the latch of the low iron gate and took four steps that brought her to the front door .
3 The Catering Manager 's office next door to the Refectory in the Richmond Building is the hub of all action where secretary Gill O' Brien runs the daily order books and takes bookings for everything from the Vice-Chancellor 's lunches to conference buffets .
4 All through this period the parliamentary liaison officer supplied papers and amendments from the committee stages of the Social Security Bill and took back to parliament from the IPG problem areas suitable for Parliamentary questions and issues for MPs to follow up in other ways .
5 Before boarding , Elisabeth stood on the harbour wall , gazed out on the wrinkled asphalt expanse and took note of the spume that rose , here and there , from unsettled waves .
6 Unhappily , many of the 700 subscribers must have failed to deliver the second cash instalment and take up their copies when the book was published in 1765 .
7 Considering the overall sound quality and taking into account how much is in such a compact package the retail price of a touch under £1500 might seem a tad high , but it compares more than favourably with reel-to-reel machines aimed at the same market .
8 They are made by the official team representative and take the form of a written deposition to the Chief Referee of the day .
9 Should the path fail then the system backtracks to the previous decision point and takes a different path .
10 He dried himself , opened the door of the large mahogany wardrobe and took out his clothes .
11 ( You can easily check that you have square and row one at the bottom left , by clicking on the pencil icon with the left mouse button and taking the cross pointer into the first bottom left square .
12 Folly tried to sink back inconspicuously into the soft leather seat and take stock .
13 He eventually slumps back into his seat , his smarting face and aching eyes reminding him of the misled thought journey that took him back round to before where he started .
14 The most simple value to ascertain is usually the current replacement cost and taking this figure as a start point , the following should be used in order to determine liability :
15 The great clothing factory that took up most of it had shut down its operations more than four hours back and only a handful of Security guards and maintenance engineers were to be found down here now .
16 all you have to do is complete the attached application form and take it or post it to your branch .
17 All you have to do is complete the attached application form and take or post it to your branch .
18 An EC-EFTA meeting on Dec. 19 made progress in discussions on the European Economic Area or EEA ( the term now adopted in preference to " European Economic Space " or EES — see pp. 37134 ; 37535 ) , and it was anticipated that these EC-EFTA talks would now reach a conclusion by mid-1992 such that an EEA agreement could go through the various ratification processes and take effect on Jan. 1 , 1993 .
19 Yes I 'm sure it probably did I just thought Paul , go to the corner of the front room Paul and take something for that .
20 And erm each one begins here at the Archaeological Resource Centre and takes you through alleyways and back passages explains , where to go er with drawings text and explains it all .
21 Tomorrow 's Focus will examine the toxic waste chain and take an in-depth look at the problem of PCBs .
22 He went to the far kitchen wall and took down a large hanging scales .
23 Gaining the peaceful emptiness of her mother 's large sitting-room , with its windows overlooking the spectacular view over the water to Fort St Angelo , she sank down into one of the green chintz sofas and took stock of herself .
24 Eat early Make the big meal breakfast and take the smallest in the evening .
25 Continue past the Regal Bingo Hall and take a left turn into Cumberland Road .
26 You can either join us at the relevant Channel port or take advantage of our coach service operating from 49 departure points throughout the U.K. We take the cross-Channel ferry and motor down to the south of France or Costa Brava , in style .
27 Is it a normal fire tender that takes this pod along ?
28 Tal suddenly made a noise like a tinny victory trumpet and took off , flying back up the road .
29 He used the same technique as when looking for a lost golf ball and took a line on a large house on the Ramsgate front .
30 Well-established clematis plants develop a large root system that takes up a great deal of water .
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