Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Although improving your memory might seem very much like a function of the left brain , the more you are able to bring your right-brain skills into it , the easier you will find it .
2 If you start with a quarter page like any sale if you start with the cheapest they 'll take it forget the rest .
3 We found then that the bigger the objective lens was the more light could be got and the bigger you could make it , so as I got bigger and got er the chance of making my own lenses and building up lenses of various kinds , I found that I could get quite a good magnification .
4 If the worst came to the worst he could cook it himself .
5 Er er it were just the same on a motorcycle the faster he 'll go the better they 'd like it !
6 I got the tonight I 've er I 've got erm the baby seat done today sort of like a baby seat in the back so I wait until I get really lumbered like , you know , cos er , if you have the then you can take it back after it 's born and er , get a refund on it get all the money back .
7 The more I can do it , the be the more I we the ha ha ha ha the happier I 'll be .
8 Since , due to familiarity , we are more at home with the second notation than the first we shall adopt it for all binary operations .
9 Your looking at the head on , its on the right hand side and the only you can get it so I do n't really bet how much put on it cos I do n't want to get out of my , done it all properly and that .
10 Once you 've got that you could fiddle around with that and we used to lower a station down , tie the end , we 'd do the best we could to do it .
11 The third one could do it physically and gets out far more .
12 Some of you will only have three sheets , which the last one will have it on two sides .
13 He knew if he birdied the last he 'd break it .
14 If you had ten out of a hundred you can cancel it have you done cancelling ?
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