Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [pron] [conj] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This ruling mirrored the previous one but applied to occupational pension schemes as opposed to the then state retirement ages .
2 Helen headed for the nearest one and asked about photograph albums .
3 On the software scene , this was the only one that came with both DOS and Windows fax software — WinFax Lite and DOSFax Lite .
4 The clip she had in her jewel case was the same one that appeared in the doge 's portrait .
5 You then followed me to the ticket reservation counter , chatted up the girl afterwards , found I 'd booked a Business-Class seat to Brussels , did the same yourself and waited outside the final departure lounge until you saw me boarding . ’
6 And the other one that caught on second was which says something does n't it ?
7 But Ben could n't see what she seemed to be seeing — one moment a piece of shabby pewter , the next something that poured with sighing light .
8 The train was a slow one that stopped at every station and I was eventually discovered , clutching my red handbag and Arthur , in Carlisle where the train terminated .
9 This makes it easy to use each crayon as a fine , crisp ‘ tool ’ as well as a blunter one or rubbed on its side .
10 The box was a musical one and made of silver .
11 He had plenty of routine , and a new one that looked as if it might be interesting : the murder of a whole family in a bright new Span house in Blackheath .
12 This was an argument between them of which she had no knowledge , but it was clearly a bitter one that rankled on both sides .
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