Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [noun prp] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 On the whole the working-class seaside resort did not become of major significance until the 1880s , and the nobility and gentry would scarcely consider a stay at Bournemouth ( where the French poet Verlaine found himself ) or Ventnor ( where Turgenev and Karl Marx took the air ) as a suitable summer activity .
2 In the second half Hereford shook themselves up .
3 Except , more often than not , the Second Mrs Tanqueray reveals herself to be a carbon-copy of the first one in almost every way but one and that 's only until the new Tanqueray brood arrives , whereupon Lothario takes to ringing up the first Mrs T to say ‘ Where did we go wrong ? ’
4 That is the real reason Strathclyde finds itself in the midst of the gravest financial crisis in its history — not the can pay , wo n't pay' Poll Tax rebels .
5 So he was one of the eighty-seven I Vologsky congratulated himself as he streaked back across the border , his mission completed .
6 But that would still mean the year with the terrible Mother Clare to qualify herself for any kind of work .
7 On 7th October Green ‘ went to Kendal where the abominable Agnes Brathwaite forswore herself again , but said the child was born 10th December — before , on the 5th of October ’ .
8 At the end of the first day Ruth presented herself to Mrs Carson .
9 One of the first tasks Eva set herself was learning the local language , Shona .
10 For the first time Robbie found herself wishing her brothers had given her a less striking gift .
11 It was by conquest that the Danish King Cnut made himself the first king of a truly united England in the early eleventh century .
12 It was as if that was the only emotion Jack allowed himself , the only time he let down his guard , and she sensed that it was almost involuntary and if he could have prevented it he would have done .
13 Given his deep-rooted Salvation Army connections , it came as no surprise when the 18-year-old Eric Ball found himself employed ( not without some misgivings on his part ) in their Music Editorial Department .
14 And of course , ironically the western powers Britain involves herself in Portugal .
15 In the ensuing debate Gorbachev found himself assailed by conservatives and radicals alike over his policies and his record .
16 For a few moments Sandison allowed himself to take in the figure before him and he ignored what had been said .
17 Eleanor looked as if he had actually hit her , and for a few moments Jessamy found herself feeling sorry for her .
18 It was the morning of Emilia Frere 's departure from the Hall and for a few minutes Louisa found herself alone with the Rector , who fingered the brim of his hat and beamed like the milky sun outside .
19 ‘ Please , Dana , do as I ask ; it 's important , ’ Claudia pleaded , and something in her manner must have got across , for after a few seconds Dana allowed herself to be led towards the café .
20 His strong , even teeth glinted white against the bronze of his skin , and with a peculiar detachment Shannon found herself wondering if the tan had come from a sun-bed or even a bottle .
21 With a sudden movement Marcus stretched himself out on the bed , also lying on his side , bringing his body into contact with Patrick 's , pushing his knees into the crook of Patrick 's knees , and his breast against his back .
22 With a heavy sigh Rory levered herself out of bed , her movements jerky and uncoordinated , completely lacking the unconscious grace she 'd always possessed .
23 With a huge yawn Shiona pulled herself upright .
24 For an agonising moment Shannon felt herself losing control , overwhelmed by an urge to fly at Marianne , to assuage her own brutal torment by lashing out as she had done long ago in the school playground , when the jeers and mockery became too much to bear .
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