Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [adv] say [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Israeli authorities also said that following denials by the accused 's interrogator and a polygraph ( lie detector ) test on ‘ Abd al-Ra'uf Ghabin 's , his allegations were ‘ found to be baseless ’ , and that he actually ‘ retracted most of his allegations ’ .
2 In its response , the Scottish Institute also says that the OFR should not be voluntary , and recommends that , after five years , the requirement to prepare an OFR should become part of The Stock Exchange 's continuing obligations .
3 Do I take it from what the hon. Gentleman just said that he now has figures for every local authority under his proposals ?
4 The hon. Gentleman then said that he was thinking of municipalising water .
5 The hon. Gentleman rightly said that it is a waste of the doctor 's time for him to turn his attention to something that has already been decided by someone else and merely to rubberstamp it .
6 The hon. Lady also said that she was worried about people buying more bottled water .
7 The hon. Lady also said that the Government had not supported the Northern Development Company .
8 The hon. Lady also said that the assisted areas map had not changed since 1984 .
9 The Social Democrats once said that a new citizenship law should accompany any restriction of the right to asylum .
10 The Canadian dissenters also said that information was withheld from them during the investigation .
11 The Divisional Court in the second case even said that s.12 was inapplicable where there was a fundamental mistake e.g. the accused deceived the victim as to his identity .
12 The second principle simply says that ‘ personal data shall be held only for one or more specified and lawful purposes ’ .
13 The Prime Minister also says that it is a disgrace that there are not more women on public boards .
14 The medical officer also said that the body of a friendless inmate , ‘ not belonging to this Union ’ , had been sent to the School of Anatomy at Cambridge ; the House Committee noted the fact without comment .
15 The first reference merely says that ‘ It 's all about man before birth , during life and at death — very deep and it never does what you expect it to ! ’
16 The Conservative Government always said that we had to create wealth first , and then improve our public services .
17 The same survey also says that ungrateful employers leave nearly all travel arrangements to their secretaries with scarcely a word of thanks .
18 Now when it came down to it the national government essen sorry the Supreme Court essentially said if the national government wishes to create a national bank in pursuance of legitimate aims of the constitution then it should have the discretion to do so and it should n't be interfered with by a state government .
19 The new rules also said that official permission should be sought for travel outside the capital .
20 The great judge Lord Denning in a historic judgment once said that no one , however mighty , was above the law .
21 A Canadian friend who visited Junieh a few years ago said that it was an excellent and interesting place for a cruising yacht to go : cheap , with pleasant , welcoming people and without danger , provided you stay away from the trouble spots .
22 So I was not surprised when he rang me a few weeks later to say that Dorothy was in hospital .
23 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
24 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
25 Scarlet turned away uneasily at the mention of upbringing : Brian 's first wife had telephoned only a few weeks before to say that Brian 's son was causing her hair to turn grey and fall out .
26 it 's a terrible mistake just to say that the government 's fault and they should give us more money .
27 When I came back to England I was very humbled really to erm because I arrived in Nepal three hours before that crash and erm a lot of people had thought I 'd died in that crash and erm the patients had thought I 'd died as well and they had to put a big notice outside to say that I 'd been alright , they had lots of people ringing up .
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