Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [pron] [vb past] i " in BNC.

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1 AFTER the strange events which took me to the West African desert , I needed a spell at sea .
2 So I got Peggy up from Somerset , on the same farm you see , and that was much better , and erm we 've been cycling to Stroud , to the pictures you know , 8 miles there and 8 miles back , and erm but the awful job he gave me to do for a few days was along , there was a young lad there and he was going to drive the old heavy fords and tractor and I was going to walk behind , and he 'd got converted horse drags I suppose they call them
3 " My life was formed only by means of the public library which provided me with my only uncensored access to books .
4 All I needed was a little bit of luck and as I pressed , dry mouthed , along the empty street it seemed I had found it The shock when I saw the two burly SPs strolling towards me was like a blow but was immediately followed by a strange calm .
5 She says but I do n't why they do n't tells the old man they told me .
6 Well now , at the end of that six months I 'd had varied success , sometimes I had poor periods when I was n't detecting much , then I would have a little break , do better , but at the end of the six months nobody told me whether I was stopping there , but twenty years later I did go back to uniform as an inspector .
7 ‘ By the second race I believed I could win a GP .
8 Going down the second fairway he told me he 'd lost his yardage book and asked me what I thought his second shot was .
9 And the second man who pursued me did so to gain a large fortune , to spend on his long-term mistress and their children , and to laugh at the silly girl and her father who gave it to him .
10 And we started her off and she went round and as she went past the second time she said I ca n't stop !
11 The following day it gained me entrance to the main gate of the embassy .
12 The following morning he told me what a wonderful night 's sleep it had given him and was fulsome in his praise of what he called his ‘ beautiful lady ’ .
13 The decision did not lie with him because a formal commission of inquiry had been set up , but the following morning he telephoned me to say that a UK observer would be welcome and , by the way , would we please send Eric Newton , then head of AIB engineering section , to the accident site to advise the commission on whether there had been a bomb or other explosive on the aircraft .
14 The little cunt who made me parade in front of him at eight thirty in the morning so I erm
15 She , no she said , oh I like the little vase you brought me !
16 Certainly if players such as Edberg , involved in the final stages of the Australian Open , felt even remotely like I did after the 31 hours it took me to arrive home from Melbourne before leaving on another seven hour journey to Bayonne less than 24 hours later , then it is no wonder that many of them are unable to do justice either to themselves or their countries in Davis Cup competition , as things stand .
17 Does he agree with the Prime Minister who told me in a letter this week that even that does not justify a special economic initiative or does he agree with local industry which is crying out for a partnership with Government to take Britain out of recession ?
18 I still wear the lilac scarf she bought me .
19 She took up the beautiful veil you bought me , put it on her own head , then turned to admire herself in the mirror .
20 And when I appeal in parishes Sunday by Sunday I am aware that I meet the very people who made me a missionary .
21 ‘ I thought at first the food was a trap , but after you left the pink mixture I knew I could trust you . ’
22 And anyway , the first day she gave me right enough , she came round every morning with my breakfast and brought it into the lift for me .
23 And the first man who pursued me did so to gouge a small fortune out of my father , to marry his true sweetheart and set himself up in business .
24 I was so needy at the time that I think I would have gone off with the first person who told me I was attractive and showed my affection .
25 Yes , she was the first person who made me realise that acting was more than just speaking and doing .
26 George Roman read me and after I 'd done the first reading he asked me about my own attitudes to the Part and then told me his as a director , which were completely different .
27 So the first opportunity I had I left Bradley 's and went back to the Lock so it 'd been war direction , war service we asked and it counted as me service with the Lock , that I had n't interrupted me service being as I was directed so that 's how I say I had fifty years at the Lock .
28 ‘ I still remember the first name you told me . ’
29 The first questions which faced me after my own Worst Day were simple .
30 The first night you kissed me , ’ she confessed huskily .
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