Example sentences of "[art] [noun] went [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The stairway went up ten stairs to a landing with a large window , then up another ten to the first floor .
2 Most of the money went to local authorities who developed in-service courses and co-operated with educational institutions in establishing post-qualifying courses in child protection .
3 The banquet went on all night and ‘ by six in the morning Braque and Derain were dancing with the bones of the lamb ’ .
4 FRANZ Klammer , one of the world 's greatest downhill skiers , has celebrated his 39th birthday in the Colorado ski resort of Copper Mountain , where the resort went to extraordinary lengths to enable him to indulge his other passion , golf .
5 In all but one , the salesman went to great lengths to explain the engine and its features to my husband and to sell a car to me on the basis of its sleek lines or attractive upholstery .
6 The Foundation noted that most of the exports went to developing countries , where unsafe storage and application practices were common .
7 Whereas the Chinese would take only clear amber and the Dutch had a preference for it , the Russians went for cloudy amber .
8 In 1686 he was one of the stewards of the Oxford and Oxfordshire feast ; and when the university went in ceremonial procession to meet James II in 1687 , he deputized for the superior bedel of arts .
9 The route went through all manufacturing departments and ended with tea and a sandwich buffet in the canteen .
10 To prevent opposition forces coalescing , the authorities went to great length to separate the various strands of artistic and intellectual thought .
11 In the election of October 1974 , 25 per cent of the vote went to third-party candidates and they secured thirty-nine seats in the Commons .
12 The industry went into rapid reverse .
13 The blobs went from deep orange to bright yellow .
14 They always used mandolins , and ukuleles too , and the ukuleles went from little ones through to eight-string ones and baritone ukuleles like big mandocellos , all related .
15 Then followed the war years and members of the Brigade went on active service .
16 The club went for another batsman instead , and that 's why I was intent on resigning .
17 The mulch went on this year in March ( together with the Growmore , as ever ) , and only the keenest weeds have managed to struggle through .
18 Three pound fifteen shillings yeah and that 's how , that 's how the work went at that time but as I say these boatmen erm they used t they used to sit down on lock gates day in and day out and did n't have a ship to come in but I 've kno kno known them to row down the river at high tide or it 's before high tide and there 'd be another erm , there 'd be other boatmen there , one was called , he went down , he used to go down and get 'em going , there used to be a race between these two families or the and the first one got the boat , the first one roped it in you see , or wh what we call roping in , moor mooring the ship up , that was
19 Because he 'd wound so much of it around his hand , the bundle went with some weight and accuracy and then tumbled , unravelling like a falling spider , on the other side .
20 ‘ Five of the grandchildren went to Euro Disney on a school trip and loved it but did n't have time to really do it justice .
21 Royal patronage put the seal of approval on the new form and the companies went to particular pains to arrange the Queen 's journeys .
22 Finally , although the committee went to great lengths to argue the case for and against integration , have they not indeed simply rationalised the status quo ?
23 England defender Pallister was charged with keeping United alive , against a dour Moscow side , once the shoot-out went to sudden death .
24 England defender Pallister was charged with keeping United alive , against a dour Moscow side , once the shoot-out went to sudden death .
25 That means that the court has to consider the position immediately before an emergency protection order , if there was one , or an interim care order , if that was the initiation of protection , or , as in this case , when the child went into voluntary care .
26 The teacher went through each step and the children answered in unison .
27 As the years went by these farms were bought up .
28 Since January , when the package went on limited release in the US , the company says it has been installed in over a dozen sites including MCI Communications Corp , Xerox Corp and American Express Co .
29 Most of the cash went on new clothes for both adults and children .
30 Unfortunately , many of my letters home miscarried , because , Turkey being neutral until towards the end of the war , the post went through enemy-occupied Europe : I do not know what the Nazi censors made of some of my missives .
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