Example sentences of "[art] [noun] when [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Anthills are often seen decorated with flowers , and small offerings of food are displayed near the base when it is known that a Cobra is in residence .
2 That 's why the baby 's attached to the navel when it 's born ; he puts it in and the baby comes out . ’
3 The written down value has no relation to the market value of an asset and thus there can be a profit or loss in the accounts when it is sold .
4 The written down value has no relation to the market value of an asset and thus there can be a profit or loss in the accounts when it is sold .
5 It came as some surprise to the board when they were informed that , although it seemed unreasonable for them to have to know what was going on , they could be made liable for the damage .
6 Hugh you 've been minister of the parish of Inverleith here in Edinburgh for the past seventeen years , and I understand you were one of the very first vice convenors of the Board when it was set up eight years ago having already served the church on the former Interchurch Relations Committee .
7 A Leading aircraftsman , he joined the RAF when it was formed in 1918 after transferring from the Royal Flying Corps .
8 ‘ No , I came across the letter that had been enclosed with the money when I was going through my father 's papers after he died .
9 While reluctant to divulge exactly the new creative strategy , Hind confirms the forthcoming campaign will drop the old line , ‘ Pickles that bite back ’ devised by Still Price for the brand when it was owned by Brooke Bond .
10 That is not the case when they are added on to the normal uprating statement , as has happened today .
11 Once again the Macintosh has the upper hand with its graphics capability but for much of this market WYSIWYG is irrelevant , the trained operator ‘ knows ’ what 's going to happen to the text when it is run out on the page printer or phototypesetter .
12 BOOZY Ian Shepherd escaped a driving ban yesterday — because he was taking his badly injured dog to the vet when he was stopped by police .
13 Farmers involved in set-aside have reported a drop in partridges breeding on land which previously enjoyed healthy populations of the birds when it was used to grow wheat and barley .
14 ‘ There is absolutely no sense in anyone protesting against the decision when it is announced , ’ said Fifa 's head of competitions , Miguel Galan .
15 Thus at a self-service station , as in the case of a non self-service one , property in the petrol passes to the buyer when it is poured into his tank , R. v. McHugh ( 1977 D.C. ) .
16 I liked the bit when you were going I do n't know what to do
17 One day , she came out to the perimeter fence ; another , she came into the kitchen when they were making me some food .
18 I saw one forlorn notice saying " Sergeants ' Mess " , and was about to explore the rest of the camp when I was stopped by a shout .
19 ‘ We 're not asking them to stay with Queen 's for the rest of their lives , just take the opportunity to represent the university when they are studying here .
20 Yes , because er in the university when I was studying at home , we have not er this tutor system like here and so it 's really strange , but I think it 's a good idea of , er talking to your lecturers as equal people .
21 Mr Grainger claims his 13-year-old son James was punched in the chest when he was caught larking about .
22 Mr Grainger claims his 13-year-old son James was punched in the chest when he was caught larking about in lessons .
23 Determine the e.m.f. in the coil when it is rotated with an angular velocity w .
24 Fire officer Stewart Reeve said the engineer was working on the freezer when he was overcome by gas .
25 Yeah , I 'd , I 'll have to blank it out the part when I 'm talking about passwords and things as well .
26 The Bank identified that these studies were not completed and would advise the IBOA when they were completed .
27 We know very precisely the age at the top of the coral when it was uplifted and died and what we 've done is counted these bands back through hundreds of years , back to the time when the coral first started growing and that was in the year fifteen eighty three .
28 The nest sites were particularly attractive to the hens when they were lined with rubber matting , or neoprine .
29 Are you painting the pictures when you 're asking the questions ? if you could , fine , good empathy , you doing a good fact find , right let's do a presentation shall we , let's see erm , ooh , you do n't know how to ask for the order do you ?
30 ‘ It was on a bearing of 280 degrees and was already west of the Falklands , so I 'm sorry but I can not see how you can say it was not sailing away from the Falklands when it was sunk . ’
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